AMS-02 on ISS

AMS02 logo

Collaboration map (out of date)

Swiss collaboration map

AMS on ISS truss (NIM cover, fig. 4, etc)

AMS-02 set-up (NIM fig. 2.1 etc)

AMS detector

Simulated gamma conversion

Photon A*t ECAL, tracker and both (Sonia)

Photon angular resolution and spectrum

Photon sensitivity (Roberto)

Spectrometer momentum resolution (NIM fig. 3)

Proton and electron rejection factors for antiproton measurement (NIM fig. 2.219)

Antiproton flux measurement (NIM fig. 2.220)

Expected anti-He limit

Expected AMS-02 flux measurements

Expected SUSY signals

Expected SUSY positron signals (Maestro)