Minutes of the Geneva AMS group meeting on May 30, 2000

Geneva AMS group meetings


Peter Levtchenko inform us about the state of the upilex mass production. He has contacted two swiss companies (Markus Hofstetter in Luzern and Sicorell in Laussane) to produce produce the upilex (all processes). He's still waiting. Sicorell refuse to do only the Ni deposition, but probably they could accept if they do all steps. There are also two italian companies contacted, one of them would buy one of the CREO machines (remember, the israelian company). The problem is that this machine has not been installed, so either they receive a strong support from CREO to tune the machine or they could not arrive in time for AMS production. More information about this in the CREO meeting tomorrow at CERN. There is also the possibility of an american company, that issue the upilex for the GLAST experiment. Just summurizing: There is no solution for the Ni deposition and also for the mass production even whitout Ni!!!!

Cable and conectors

Still no news...

FOr the connectors no news from Airborne. If there are no news from them we will go directly with Omnetics that has provided full information.


The hybrid 2.0 layout finished and sent to IDEAS to a preproduction 10S+10K. This preproduction is needed to qualify the hybrid because there have been major changes wrt the 1.8 version as the inclusion of an amplifier. With this hybrids there will be built 5 true hybrid pairs, and the rest will be devoted to mechanical and thermal studies. The delivery of these hybrids is foreseen in week 25 (19-24 June). For this week is also foreseen the delivery of 10 naked HCC. They should be tested asap. This test will be done in CAEN, but Geneva University will provide some hardware an also will do the bonding and an interface board to connect it to the VA.

One of the old PCCARDS has been modified to read the new analog chain. First preliminary results shows a nide pedestal behaviour (around 400 as designed) noise is a bit higher but probably due to the setup that is quite provisional.

There were a meeting last tuesday with the HUG physicist. There is no problem to do a radiation test there. Hardware is ready but not procedures, that is, the tests we should perform. This test is foreseen to be done before the perugia meeting if possible. The second one will be performed at CIEMAT (Madrid) next 19-20 June. We will qualify there the ADC (Burr-Brown ADS803).

TDR Test System is almost finished. The analog chain is finished and the digital side will be finished this week (Bertrand is working hard on that). The first board will be finished hopefully in a couple of weeks.


Ph. Azzarello showed us the results of unbond a noisy channel that affects the neighbourgs. THe conclussion are that cutting the bond does not help too much but reconnect it to the mass will reduce the noise on the near neighbourgs.

Future Meetings:

E. Cortina, May, 30, 2000