ABCD2T module with irradiated chips

Here you can find the results from a test on ABCD2T irradiated chips connected to 12 cm unirradiated silicon detector (ABCD2NT chips are not considered in this analysis)

Module description: Set up: Results:

The module is stable over a wide range of preamplifier biases. For preamplifier biases > 230 uA the chip's performances start to deteriorate: the module is still stable but the gain and offset distributions get wider and do not really fit to a guassian curve. The detailed analysis is reported for the preamp bias=202.4 uA and shaper bias = 31.2 uA .The gain and the offset are calculated fitting 6 points from 1.5 fC to 3.5 fC with linear curve. The 3 chips have been trimmed at 2 fC. The default run mode is edge sensing circuitry ON and 01X data compression. The offset values obtained with the previous method can be compared with the ones obtained from the following scans: Strobe delay scans have been made for charges between 1 fC and 5 fC (the strobe delay value doesn't change for charges > 5 fC). The threshold value is 80 mV, that corrisponds to 1 fC as caluculated from the linear fit: Authors: Brendan Dick and Daniela Macina