Appendix A: Short Description of Routines A.1 Initialization and Introductory Routines BMPMOD defines the physical resolution of BMP files. BUFMOD modifies the behaviour of the output buffer. CGMBGD defines the background colour for CGM files. CGMPIC sets the picture ID for CGM files. DISENV sets the DISLIN environment variable. DISINI initializes DISLIN. ERASE clears the screen. ERRDEV defines the error device. ERRFIL set the name of the error file. ERRMOD modifies the printing of error messages. FILBOX defines the position and size of included meta- files. FILOPT modifies rules for creating file versions. FILSIZ returns the size of an image file. FILWIN defines a rectangle of the image that will be included by INCFIL. GIFMOD enables transparency for GIF files. HPGMOD sets options for HPGL files. HWORIG defines the origin of the PostScript hardware page. HWPAGE defines the size of the PostScript hardware page. HWSCAL modifies the scale operator in PostScript files. IMGFMT defines the format of image files. INCFIL includes metafiles into a graphics. METAFL defines the plot file format. NEWPAG creates a new page. ORIGIN defines the origin. PAGE sets the page size. PAGERA plots a page border. PAGFLL fills the page with a colour. PAGHDR plots a page header. PAGMOD selects a page rotation. PDFMRK defines bookmarks for PDF files. PAGORG defines the origin of the page. PDFBUF copies a PDF file to a buffer. PDFMOD defines compression mode for PDF files. PNGMOD enables transparency for PNG files. SCLFAC defines a scaling factor for the entire plot. SCLMOD defines a scaling mode. SCRMOD swaps back- and foreground colours. SENDBF flushes the output buffer. SETFIL sets the plot file name. SETPAG selects a predefined page format. SETXID defines an external X window or pixmap. SYMFIL sends a plot file to a device. TIFMOD defines the physical resolution of TIFF files. UNITS defines the plot units. WMFMOD modifies the format of WMF files. A.2 Termination and Parameter Resetting DISFIN terminates DISLIN. ENDGRF terminates an axis system and sets the level to 1. RESET resets parameters to default values. A.3 Plotting Text and Numbers ANGLE defines the character angle. CHAANG defines an inclination angle for characters. CHASPC affects character spacing. CHAWTH affects the width of characters. FIXSPC sets a constant character width. FRMESS defines the thickness of text frames. HEIGHT defines the character height. MESSAG plots text. MIXALF enables control signs in character strings for plotting indices and exponents. NEWMIX defines an alternate set of control characters for plotting indices and exponents. NLMESS returns the length of character strings in plot coordinates. NUMBER plots floating point numbers. NUMFMT determines the format of numbers. NUMODE modifies the appearance of numbers. RLMESS plots text where the position is specified in user coordinates. RLNUMB plots numbers where the position is specified in user coordinates. SETBAS determines the position of indices and expo- nents. SETEXP determines the character height of indices and exponents. SETMIX defines global control signs for plotting indi- ces and exponents. TEXMOD enables TeX mode for plotting mathematical formulas. TEXOPT defines TeX options. TEXVAL modifies the character height of indices and exponents in TeX mode. TXTBGD defines a background colour for text and numbers. TXTJUS defines the alignment of text and numbers. A.4 Colours COLOR defines the colour used for text and lines. HSVRGB converts HSV to RGB coordinates. INDRGB calculates a colour index. INTRGB calculates an explicit colour value. MYVLT changes the current colour table. RGBHSV converts RGB to HSV coordinates. SETCLR defines colours. SETIND changes the current colour table. SETRGB defines colours. SETVLT selects a colour table. VLTFIL saves or loads a colour table. A.5 Fonts BASALF defines the base alphabet. BMPFNT sets a bitmap font for raster output. CHACOD defines the character coding. COMPLX sets a complex font. DUPLX sets a double-stroke font. DISALF sets the default font. EUSHFT defines a shift character for special European characters. GOTHIC sets a gothic font. HELVE sets a shaded font. HELVES sets a shaded font with small characters. HWFONT sets a standard hardware font. PSFONT sets a PostScript font. PSMODE enables Greek and Italic PostScript characters. SERIF sets a complex shaded font. SIMPLX sets a single-stroke font. SMXALF defines shift characters for alternate alphabets. TRIPLX sets a triple-stroke font. TTFONT loads a TrueType font. WINFNT sets a TrueType font for screen output on Windows. X11FNT sets an X11 font for screen output. A.6 Symbols HSYMBL defines the height of symbols. MYSYMB defines a user-defined symbol. RLSYMB plots symbols where the centre is specified in user coordinates. SYMBOL plots symbols. SYMROT defines a rotation angle for symbols. A.7 Axis Systems ADDLAB plots additional single labels. AX2GRF suppresses the plotting of the upper X- and the left Y-axis. AX3LEN defines axis lengths for a coloured 3-D axis system. AXGIT plots the lines X = 0 and Y = 0. AXSBGD defines the background colour. AXSLEN defines axis lengths for a 2-D axis system. AXSORG determines the position of crossed axis systems. AXSPOS determines the position of axis systems. AXSTYP selects rectangular or crossed axis systems. BOX2D plots a border around an axis system. CENTER centres axis systems. CROSS plots the lines X = 0 and Y = 0 and marks them with ticks. ENDGRF terminates an axis system. FRAME defines the frame thickness of axis systems. FRMCLR defines the colour of frames. GAXPAR calculates axis parameters. GRACE affects the clipping margin of axis systems. GRAF plots a two-dimensional axis system. GRAF3 plots an axis system for colour graphics. GRAFP plots a polar axis system. GRDPOL plots a polar grid. GRID overlays a grid on an axis system. NOCLIP suppresses clipping of user coordinates. NOGRAF suppresses the plotting of an axis system. POLMOD modifies the appearance of polar labels. SETGRF suppresses parts of an axis system. SETSCL sets automatic scaling. TITLE plots a title over an axis system. XAXGIT plots the line Y = 0. XCROSS plots the line Y = 0 and marks it with ticks. YAXGIT plots the line X = 0. YCROSS plots the line X = 0 and marks it with ticks. A.8 Secondary Axes XAXIS plots a linear X-axis. XAXLG plots a logarithmic X-axis. YAXIS plots a linear Y-axis. YAXLG plots a logarithmic Y-axis. ZAXIS plots a linearly scaled colour bar. ZAXLG plots a logarithmically scaled colour bar. A.9 Modification of Axes AXCLRS defines colours for axis elements. AXENDS suppresses certain labels. AXSSCL defines the axis scaling. HNAME defines the character height of axis names. INTAX defines integer numbering for all axes. LABDIG sets the number of decimal places for labels. LABDIS sets the distance between labels and ticks. LABELS selects labels. LABJUS defines the alignment of axis labels. LABMOD modifies date labels. LABPOS determines the position of labels. LABTYP defines vertical or horizontal labels. LOGTIC modifies the appearance of logarithmic ticks. MYLAB sets user-defined labels. NAMDIS sets the distance between axis names and labels. NAME defines axis titles. NAMJUS defines the alignment of axis titles. NOLINE suppresses the plotting of axis lines. RGTLAB right-justifies labels. RVYNAM defines an angle for Y-axis names. TICKS sets the number of ticks. TICLEN sets the length of ticks. TICMOD modifies the plotting of ticks at calendar axes. TICPOS determines the position of ticks. TIMOPT modifies time labels. A.10 Axis System Titles HTITLE defines the character height of titles. LFTTIT left-justifies title lines. LINESP defines line spacing. TITJUS defines the alignment of titles. TITLE plots axis system titles. TITLIN defines text lines for titles. TITPOS defines the position of titles. VKYTIT shifts titles in the vertical direction. A.11 Plotting Data Points BARS plots a bar graph. BARS3D plots 3-D bars. CHNATT changes curve attributes. CHNCRV defines attributes changed automatically by CURVE. CRVMAT plots a coloured surface. CRVQDR plots a coloured surface from quadrangles. CRVTRI plots a coloured surface from triangulated data. CURVE plots curves. CURVE3 plots coloured rectangles. CURVX3 plots rows of coloured rectangles. CURVY3 plots columns of coloured rectangles. ERRBAR plots error bars. FBARS plots financial bars. FIELD plots a vector field. GAPCRV defines gaps plotted by CURVE. GAPSIZ defines gaps plotted by CURVE. INCCRV defines the number of curves plotted with equal attributes. INCMRK selects symbols or lines for CURVE. LICMOD sets modes for the LIC algorithm. LICPTS calculates a Line Integral Convolution image of a vector field. MARKER sets the symbols plotted by CURVE. MRKCLR defines the colour of symbols plotted by CURVE. NANCRV enables handling of NaN values in curves. NOCHEK suppresses listing of data points that lie out- side of the axis scaling. PIEGRF plots a pie chart. POLCRV defines the interpolation method used by CURVE. RESATT resets curve attributes. SETRES sets the size of coloured rectangles. SHDCRV plots shaded areas between curves. SPLMOD modifies spline interpolation. STMMOD sets streamline modes. STMPTS generates a streamline. STMOPT defines integer options for streamlines. STMTRI plots streamlines from triangulated data. STMVAL defines floating point options for streamlines. STREAM plots streamlines. THKCRV defines the thickness of curves. TXTURE generates a texture array for LICPTS. VECFLD plots a vector field. VECMAT plots a vector field on a regular grid. A.12 Legends FRAME sets the frame thickness of legends. LEGBGD defines the background colour of legends. LEGEND plots legends. LEGINI initializes legends. LEGLIN defines text for legend lines. LEGOPT modifies the appearance of legends. LEGPAT stores curve attributes. LEGPOS determines the position of legends. LEGSEL selects legend lines. LEGTIT defines the legend title. LEGTYP defines vertical or horizontal legend entries. LEGVAL modifies the appearance of legends. LINESP affects line spacing. MIXLEG enables multiple text lines in legends. NXLEGN returns the width of legends in plot coordi- nates. NYLEGN returns the height of legends in plot coordi- nates. A.13 Line Styles and Shading Patterns CHNDOT sets a dotted-dashed line style. CHNDSH sets a dashed-dotted line style. COLOR sets a colour. DASH sets a dashed line style. DASHL sets a long-dashed line style. DASHM sets a medium-dashed line style. DOT sets a dotted line style. DOTL sets a long-dotted line style. HWMODE enables or disables hardware features for the line styles and shading patterns. LINCLR defines colours for line styles. LINMOD enables anti-aliased lines in image formats. LINTYP defines a line style. LINWID sets the line width. LNCAP sets the line cap parameter. LNJOIN sets the line join parameter. LNMLT sets the miter limit parameter. MYLINE sets a user-defined line style. MYPAT defines a global shading pattern. PENWID sets the pen width. SHDFAC modifies the distance of scan lines for software shading. SHDPAT selects a shading pattern. SOLID sets a solid line style. A.14 Cycles CLRCYC modifies the colour cycle. LINCYC modifies the line style cycle. PATCYC modifies the pattern cycle. A.15 Base Transformations TR3AXS affects the 3-D rotation of plot vectors. TR3RES resets 3-D base transformations. TR3ROT affects the 3-D rotation of plot vectors. TR3SCL affects the 3-D scaling of plot vectors. TR3SHF affects the 3-D shifting of plot vectors. TRFRES resets base transformations. TRFROT affects the rotation of plot vectors. TRFSCL affects the scaling of plot vectors. TRFSHF affects the shifting of plot vectors. A.16 Shielding SHIELD defines automatic shielding. SHLCIR defines circles as shielded areas. SHLDEL deletes shielded areas. SHLELL defines ellipses as shielded areas. SHLIND returns the index of a shielded area. SHLPIE defines pie segments as shielded areas. SHLPOL defines polygons as shielded areas. SHLRCT defines rotated rectangles as shielded areas. SHLREC defines rectangles as shielded areas. SHLRES deletes shielded areas. SHLVIS enables or disables shielded areas. A.17 Parameter Requesting Routines GETALF returns the base alphabet. GETANG returns the current angle used for text and num- bers. GETCLP returns the currents clipping window. GETCLR returns the current colour number. GETDIG returns the number of decimal places used in la- bels. GETDSP returns the terminal type. GETFIL returns the current plot file name. GETGRF returns the scaling of the current axis system. GETHGT returns the current character height. GETHNM returns the character height of axis titles. GETIND returns the RGB coordinates for a colour index. GETLAB returns the current labels. GETLEN returns the current axis lengths. GETLEV returns the current level. GETLIN returns the current line width. GETMFL returns the current file format. GETMIX returns shift characters defined for indices and exponents. GETOR returns the current origin. GETPAG returns the current page size. GETPAT returns the current shading pattern. GETPLV returns the patchlevel of the current DISLIN library. GETPOS returns the position of the axis system. GETRAN returns the range of colour bars. GETRES returns the size of points used in 3-D colour graphics. GETRGB returns for RGB coordinates of the current colour. GETSCL returns the current axis scaling. GETSCR returns the screen size in pixels. GETSHF returns the control character used for European characters. GETSP1 returns the distance between axis ticks and labels. GETSP2 returns the distance between axis labels and names. GETSYM returns the current symbol number and height. GETTCL returns the current tick lengths. GETTIC returns the number of ticks plotted between labels. GETTYP returns the current line style. GETUNI returns the current unit used for messages. GETVER returns the version number of the currently used DISLIN library. GETVK returns the current lengths used for shifting. GETVLT returns the current colour table. GETWID returns the width of colour bars. GETWIN returns the position and size of the graphics window. GETXID returns the X window ID. GMXALF returns shift characters for alphabets. A.18 Elementary Plot Routines ARCELL plots elliptical arcs. AREAF plots polygons. CIRCLE plots circles. CONNPT plots a line to a point. ELLIPS plots ellipses. LINE plots lines. NOARLN suppresses the outline of geometric figures. PIE plots pie segments. POINT plots coloured rectangles where the position is defined by the centre point. RECFLL plots coloured rectangles. RECTAN plots rectangles. RNDREC plots a rectangle with rounded corners. RLARC plots elliptical arcs for user coordinates. RLAREA plots polygons for user coordinates. RLCIRC plots circles for user coordinates. RLCONN plots a line to a point (user coordinates). RLELL plots ellipses for user coordinates. RLINE plots lines for user coordinates. RLPIE plots pie segments for user coordinates. RLPOIN plots coloured rectangles for user coordinates. RLREC plots rectangles for user coordinates. RLRND plots for user coordinates a rectangle with rounded corners. RLSEC plots coloured pie sectors for user coordinates. RLSTRT moves the pen to a point (user coordinates). RLVEC plots vectors for user coordinates. RLWIND plots wind speed symbols for user coordinates. SECTOR plots coloured pie sectors. STRTPT moves the pen to a point. TRIFLC plots filled triangles with interpolated colours. TRIFLL plots filled triangles. VECCLR defines colour for arrow heads. VECOPT defines vector options. VECTOR plots vectors. WINDBR plots wind speed symbols. XMOVE moves the pen to a point. XDRAW plots a line to a point. A.19 Conversion of Coordinates COLRAY converts Z-coordinates to colour numbers. NXPIXL converts X plot coordinates to pixel NXPOSN converts X-coordinates to plot coordinates. NYPIXL converts Y plot coordinates to pixel NYPOSN converts Y-coordinates to plot coordinates. NZPOSN converts Z-coordinates to colour numbers. TRFCO1 converts one-dimensional coordinates. TRFCO2 converts two-dimensional coordinates. TRFCO3 converts three-dimensional coordinates. TRFREL converts X- and Y-coordinates to plot coordi- nates. XINVRS converts X plot coordinates to user coordinates. XPOSN converts X-coordinates to real plot coordinates. YINVRS converts Y plot coordinates to user coordinates. YPOSN converts Y-coordinates to real plot coordinates. A.20 Utility Routines BEZIER calculates a Bezier interpolation. BITSI2 allows bit manipulation on 16 bit variables. BITSI4 allows bit manipulation on 32 bit variables. CIRC3P calculates a circle specified by three points. FCHA converts floating point numbers to character strings. FLEN calculates the number of digits for floating point numbers. HISTOG calculates a histogram. INTCHA converts integers to character strings. INTLEN calculates the number of digits for integers. INTUTF converts Unicode numbers to a UTF8 string. NLMESS returns the length of character strings in plot coordinates. NLNUMB returns the length of numbers in plot coordi- nates. POLCLP clips a polygon. SORTR1 sorts floating point numbers. SORTR2 sorts points in the X-direction. SPLINE returns spline points as calculated in CURVE. SWAPI2 swaps the bytes of 16 bit variables. SWAPI4 swaps the bytes of 32 bit variables. TRFMAT converts matrices. TRIANG calculates the Delaunay triangulation. TRMLEN calculates the number of characters in character strings. UPSTR converts a character string to uppercase let- ters. UTFINT converts a UTF8 string to Unicode numbers. A.21 Binary File I/O CLOSFL closes a file. OPENFL opens a file for binary I/O. POSIFL skips to a certain position relative to the start. READFL reads a given number of bytes. SKIPFL skips a number of bytes from the current posi- tion. TELLFL returns the file position. WRITFL writes a given number of bytes. A.22 Date Routines BASDAT defines the base date. INCDAT calculates incremented days. NWKDAY returns the weekday for a date. TRFDAT converts incremented days to a date. A.23 Cursor Routines CSRKEY returns a pressed key. CSRLIN returns the end points of a line. CSRMOD modifies the behaviour of CSRPOS. CSRMOV returns collected cursor movements. CSRPOS sets and returns the cursor position. CSRPT1 returns a pressed cursor position. CSRPTS returns collected cursor positions. CSRREC returns opposite corners of a rectangle. CSRTYP defines the cursor type. CSRUNI defines the unit returned cursor routines. SETCSR defines the cursor type of the graphics window. A.24 Transparency TPRFIN terminates alpha blending. TPRINI initializes alpha blending. TPRMOD modifies alpha blending. TPRVAL sets the alpha value. A.25 Bar Graphs BARBOR defines the colour of bar borders. BARCLR defines the colours of bars. BARGRP affects clustered bars. BARMOD selects fixed or variable bars. BAROPT sets parameters for 3-D bars. BARPOS selects predefined positions for bars. BARS plots bar graphs. BARTYP selects vertical or horizontal bars. CHNBAR modifies the appearance of bars. LABCLR defines the colour of bar labels. LABDIG defines the number of decimal places in bar la- bels. LABELS defines bar labels. LABPOS defines the position of bar labels. A.26 Pie Charts CHNPIE defines colour and pattern attributes for pie segments. LABCLR defines the colour of segment labels. LABDIG defines the number of decimal places in segment labels. LABELS defines pie labels. LABPOS defines the position of segment labels. LABTYP modifies the appearance of segment labels. PIEBOR defines the colour of pie borders. PIECBK defines a callback routine for PIEGRF. PIECLR defines pie colours. PIEEXP defines exploded pie segments. PIEGRF plots pie charts. PIELAB sets additional character strings plotted in segment labels. PIEOPT sets parameters for 3-D pie charts. PIEROT sets a rotation angle for 2-D pie charts. PIETYP selects 2-D or 3-D pie charts. PIEVAL modifies parameters for pie charts. PIEVEC modifies the arrow plotted between labels and segments. A.27 Coloured 3-D Graphics AX3LEN defines axis lengths. COLOR defines colours. COLRAN defines the range of colour bars. CRVMAT plots a coloured surface. CRVTRI plots a coloured surface from triangulated data. CURVE3 plots coloured rectangles. CURVX3 plots rows of coloured rectangles. CURVY3 plots columns of coloured rectangles. ERASE erases the screen. FRMBAR defines the thickness of frames around colour bars. GRAF3 plots a coloured axis system. JUSBAR defines the alignment of colour bars. NOBAR suppresses the plotting of colour bars. NOBGD suppresses the plotting of points which have the same colour as the background. NZPOSN converts a Z-coordinate to a colour number. POINT plots coloured rectangles. POSBAR sets the position of colour bars. RECFLL plots coloured rectangles. RLPOIN plots coloured rectangles for user coordi- nates where the position is defined by the centre point. RLSEC plots coloured pie sectors for user coordinates. SECTOR plots coloured pie sectors. SETRES defines the size of coloured rectangles. SPCBAR sets the space between colour bars and axis systems. VKXBAR shifts colour bars in the X-direction. VKYBAR shifts colour bars in the Y-direction. WIDBAR defines the width of colour bars. ZAXIS plots linearly scaled colour bars. ZAXLG plots logarithmically scaled colour bars. A.28 3-D Graphics ABS3PT converts absolute 3-D coordinates to plot coordinates. AXIS3D defines the lengths of the 3-D box. BARS3D plots 3-D bars. BOX3D plots a border around the 3-D box. CONE3D plots a cone. CONN3D plots a line to a point in 3-D space. CONSHD3D plots 3-D contours. CRVT3D plots curves with addition thickness and colour attributes. CURV3D plots curves or symbols. CURV4D plots coloured symbols. CYLI3D plots a cylinder. DBFFIN terminates a depth sort. DBFINI initializes a depth sort. DBFMOD can disable the depth sort. DISK3D plots a disk. FIELD3D plots a vector field. FLAB3D disables the suppression of axis labels. GETLIT calculates colour values. GETMAT calculates a function matrix from randomly distributed data points. GRAF3D plots an axis system. GRFFIN terminates a projection into 3-D space. GRFINI initializes projections in 3-D space. GRID3D plots a grid. LABL3D modifies the appearance of labels on the 3-D box. LIGHT turns lighting on or off. LITMOD turns single light sources on or off. LITOPT modifies light parameters. LITOP3 modifies light parameters. LITPOS sets the position of light sources. MATOPT modifies material parameters. MATOP3 modifies material parameters. MDFMAT modifies the algorithm used in GETMAT. NOHIDE disables the hidden-line algorithm. PIKE3D plots a cone. PLAT3D plots a Platonic solid. PLYFIN terminates output of polygons to a PLY format. PLYINI initializes output of polygons to a PLY format. POS3PT converts user coordinates to absolute 3-D coordinates. PROJ3D sets perspective or orthographic projection. PYDA3D plots a pyramid. QUAD3D plots a quad. REL3PT converts user coordinates to plot coordinates. ROT3D defines rotation angles for symbols and solid. SETFCE sets a face side for defining material parameters. SHDMOD defines flat or smooth shading for surfaces. SHLSUR protects surfaces from overwriting. SPHE3D plots a sphere. STMPTS3D generates a streamline. STREAM3D plots streamlines. STRT3D moves the pen to a point. SURCLR selects surface colours. SURFCE plots the surface of a function matrix. SURFCP plots a shaded surface of a parametric function. SURFUN plots the surface of the function Z = F(X,Y). SURISO plots isosurfaces. SURMAT plots the surface of a function matrix. SURMSH enables grid lines for SURSHD and SURFCP. SUROPT suppresses surfaces lines plotted by SURFCE. SURSHC plots a coloured surface. SURSHD plots a coloured surface. SURTRI plots a coloured surface from triangulated data. SURVIS determines the visible part of surfaces. SYMB3D plots a symbol. TORUS3D plots a torus. TUBE3D plots a tube. VANG3D defines the field of view for perspective pro- jection. VECF3D plots a vector field. VECMAT3D plots a vector field on a regular grid. VECTR3 plots vectors in 3-D space. VFOC3D defines the focus point. VIEW3D defines the viewpoint. VSCL3D defines a scaling factor for orthographic pro- jection. VUP3D defines the camera orientation. VTX3D plots faces from vertices. VTXC3D plots faces from vertices. VTXN3D plots faces from vertices. ZBFERS erase the frame buffer of a Z-buffer. ZBFFIN terminates the Z-buffer.. ZBFINI allocates space for a Z-buffer. ZBFLIN plots lines. ZBFMOD can disable the Z-buffer. ZBFRES resets the Z-buffer. ZBFSCL scales the internal image for PDF output. ZBFTRI plots triangles. ZSCALE defines a Z-scaling for coloured surfaces. A.29 Geographical Projections CURVMP plots curves or symbols. GRAFMP plots a geographical axis system. GRIDMP plots a grid. MAPBAS defines a base map. MAPFIL defines an external map file. MAPIMG plots a BMP or GIF map image. MAPLAB enables labels for elliptical and azimuthal projections. MAPLEV specifies land or lake plotting. MAPMOD modifies the connection of points used in CURVMP. MAPPOL defines the map pole used for azimuthal pro- jections. MAPOPT sets options for map plotting. MAPREF defines two latitudes used for conical pro- jections. POS2PT converts user coordinates to plot coordinates. PROJCT selects a projection. PT2POS converts plot coordinates to user coordinates. SETCBK sets a callback routine for a user-defined projection. SHDAFR shades African countries. SHDASI shades Asiatic countries. SHDAUS shades Oceanic countries. SHDEUR shades European countries. SHDMAP shades continents. SHDNOR shades states of North and Central America. SHDSOU shades states of South America. SHDUSA shades USA states. WORLD plots coastlines and lakes. XAXMAP plots a secondary X-axis. YAXMAP plots a secondary Y-axis. A.30 Contouring CONCLR defines colours fro filled contours. CONCRV plots generated contours. CONFLL plots filled contours from triangulated data. CONGAP affects the spacing between contour lines and labels. CONLAB defines a character string used for contour labels. CONMAT plots contours. CONMOD affects the position of contour labels. CONPTS generates contours. CONSHD plots shaded contours. CONTRI plots contours from triangulated data. CONTUR plots contours. LABCLR defines the colour of contour labels. LABDIS defines the distance between labels. LABELS defines contour labels. SHDMOD sets the algorithm for shaded contours. TRIPTS generates contours from triangulated data. A.31 Image Routines EXPIMG copies an image from memory to a file. IMGBOX defines a rectangle for PostScript/PDF output. IMGCLP defines a clipping rectangle for RBMP, RTIFF, RPNG, RGIF, and RPPM. IMGINI initializes transferring of image data. IMGFIN terminates transferring of image data. IMGMOD selects index or RGB mode. IMGSIZ defines an image size for PostScript/PDF output. IMGTPR defines a transparency colour for images. LDIMG loads an image into an array. RBFPNG stores an image as PNG file in a buffer. RBMP stores an image as a BMP file. RGIF stores an image as a GIF file. RIMAGE copies an image from memory to a file. RPIXEL reads a pixel from memory. RPIXLS reads image data from memory. RPNG stores an image as a PNG file. RPPM stores an image as a PPM file. RPXROW reads a row of image data from memory. RTIFF stores an image as a TIFF file. TIFORG defines the position of TIFF files copied with WTIFF. TIFWIN defines a clipping window for TIFF files copied with WTIFF. WIMAGE copies an image from file to memory. WPIXEL writes a pixel to memory. WPIXLS writes image data to memory. WPXROW write a row of image data to memory. WTIFF copies a TIFF file created by DISLIN to memory. A.32 Window Routines CLSWIN closes a window. OPNWIN opens a window for graphics output. PAGWIN sets the page size for multiple windows. SELWIN selects a window for graphics output. WINAPP defines a window or console application. WINCBK sets a callback routine which is called in DIS- FIN when the size of the graphics window is changed. WINDOW defines the position and size of windows. WINID returns the ID of the currently selected window. WINKEY defines a key that can be used for program WINMOD affects the handling of windows in the termi- nation routine DISFIN. WINSIZ defines the size of windows. WINTIT sets the title of the currently selected window. X11MOD enables backing store. A.33 Widget Routines DOEVNT processes pending events. DWGBUT displays a message that can be answered with 'Yes' or 'No'. DWGERR returns a status if the OK button is pressed in the routines DWGFIL, DWGLIS and DWGTXT. DWGFIL creates a file selection box. DWGLIS gets a selection from a list of items. DWGMSG displays a message. DWGTXT prompts a user for input. GWGATT requests a widget attribute. GWGBOX requests the value of a box widget. GWGBUT requests the status of a button widget. GWGFIL requests the value of a file widget. GWGFLT requests the value of a text widget as real number. GWGINT requests the value of a text widget as integer. GWGLIS requests the value of a list widget. GWGSCL requests the value of a scale widget. GWGSIZ returns the size of widgets. GWGTBF requests cell values of table widgets. GWGTBI requests cell values of table widgets. GWGTBL requests cell values of table widgets. GWGTBS requests cell values of table widgets. GWGTXT requests the value of a text widget. GWGXID returns the window ID for a widget. ITMCAT concatenates an element to a list string. ITMCNT calculates the number of elements in a list string. ITMSTR extracts an element from a list string. MSGBOX prints a message. SWGATT sets widget attributes. SWGBGD changes the background colour of widgets. SWGBOX changes the selection of a box widget. SWGBUT changes the status of a button widget. SWGCB2 defines callback routines for table widgets. SWGCB3 defines callback routines for draw widgets. SWGCBK connects a widget with a callback routine. SWGCLR defines colours for widgets. SWGDRW defines the height of draw widgets SWGFGD changes the foreground colour of widgets. SWGFIL changes the value of a file widget. SWGFLT changes the value of text widgets. SWGFNT sets fonts for widgets. SWGFOC sets the keyboard focus. SWGHLP sets a character string that will be displayed if the Help menu is clicked. SWGINT changes the value of text widgets. SWGIOP sets integer options for widgets. SWGJUS defines the alignment of label widgets. SWGLIS changes the selection of a list widget. SWGMIX defines control characters. SWGMRG defines widget margins. SWGOPT sets widget options. SWGPOP modifies the appearance of the popup menu bar. SWGPOS defines the position of widgets. SWGRAY defines the width of columns in table widgets. SWGSCL changes the value of a scale widget. SWGSIZ defines the size of widgets. SWGSPC modifies the space between widgets. SWGSTP defines a step value for scale widgets. SWGTBF sets cell values of table widgets. SWGTBI sets cell values of table widgets. SWGTBL sets cell values of table widgets. SWGTBS sets cell values of table widgets. SWGTIT sets a title for the main widget. SWGTXT changes the value of a text widget. SWGTYP modifies the appearance of widgets. SWGVAL changes the value of progress bars. SWGWIN defines the position and size of widgets. SWGWTH sets the default width of widgets. WGAPP creates an entry in a popup menu. WGAPPB uses an image as entry in a popup menu. WGBAS creates a container widget. WGBOX creates a list widget where the list elements are displayed as toggle buttons. WGBUT creates a button widget. WGCMD creates a command widget. WGDLIS creates a dropping list widget. WGDRAW creates a draw widget. WGFIL creates a file widget. WGFIN terminates widget routines. WGICON creates a label widget with an icon as label. WGIMG creates a label widget with an image as label. WGINI creates a main widget and initalizes widget routines. WGLAB creates a label widget. WGLIS creates a list widget. WGLTXT creates a labeled text widget. WGOK creates a OK push button widget. WGPBAR creates a progress bar. WGPBUT creates a push button widget. WGPICON creates a push button widget with an icon as label. WGPIMG creates a push button widget with an image as label. WGPOP creates a popup menu. WGPOPB uses an image as popup menu. WGQUIT creates a QUIT push button widget. WGSCL creates a scale widget. WGSEP creates a separator widgets. WGSTXT creates a scrolled text widget. WGTBL creates a table widget. WGTXT creates a text widget. A.34 Quick Plots QPLBAR plots a bar graph. QPLCLR plots a colour surface of a matrix. QPLCON plots a contour lines of a matrix. QPLPIE plots a pie chart. QPLCRV plots multiple curves. QPLOT makes a curve plot. QPLSCA makes a scatter plot. QPLSCL sets a user-defined scaling. QPLSUR plots a surface of a matrix. A.35 MPS Logo MPSLOGO plots the new MPS logo.