Name: GRAF3 6,22 The routine GRAF3 plots a 3-D axis system where the Z-axis is plotted as a colour bar. The call is: CALL GRAF3 (XA, XE, XOR, XSTEP, YA, YE, YOR, YSTEP, ZA, ZE, ZOR, ZSTEP) level 1 or: void graf3 (float xa, float xe, float xor, float xstep, float ya, float ye, float yor, float ystep, float za, float ze, float zor, float zstep); XA, XE are the lower and upper limits of the X-axis. XOR, XSTEP are the first X-axis label and the step between labels. YA, YE are the lower and upper limits of the Y-axis. YOR, YSTEP are the first Y-axis label and the step between labels. ZA, ZE are the lower and upper limits of the Z-axis. ZOR, ZSTEP are the first Z-axis label and the step between labels. Note: GRAF3 must be called from level 1 and sets the level to 3. For furthers Notes, the user is refer- red to the routine GRAF. Name: ZAXIS 7,22 The routine ZAXIS plots a linearly scaled colour bar. The call is: CALL ZAXIS (A, B, OR, STEP, NL, CSTR, IT, NDIR, NX, NY) level 1, 2, 3 or: void zaxis (float a, float b, float or, float step, int nl, const char *cstr, int it, int ndir, int nx, int ny); A, B are the lower and upper limits of the colour bar. OR, STEP are the first label and the step between labels. NL is the length of the colour bar in plot coordina- tes. CSTR is a character string containing the axis name. IT indicates how ticks, labels and the axis name are plotted. If IT = 0, they are plotted in a clock- wise direction. If IT = 1, they are plotted in a counter-clockwise direction. NDIR defines the direction of the colour bar. If NDIR = 0, a vertical colour bar will be plotted; if NDIR = 1, a horizontal colour bar will be plotted. NX, NY are the plot coordinates of the lower left corner. Name: ZAXLG 7,22 The routine ZAXLG plots a logarithmically scaled colour bar. The call is: CALL ZAXLG (A, B, OR, STEP, NL, CSTR, IT, NDIR, NX, NY) level 1, 2, 3 or: void zaxlg (float a, float b, float or, float step, int nl, const char *cstr, int it, int ndir, int nx, int ny); A, B are the lower and upper limits of the colour bar. OR, STEP are the first label and the step between labels. NL is the length of the colour bar in plot coordi- nates. CSTR is a character string containing the axis name. IT indicates how ticks, labels and the axis name are plotted. If IT = 0, they are plotted in a clock- wise direction. If IT = 1, they are plotted in a counter-clockwise direction. NDIR defines the direction of the colour bar. If NDIR = 0, a vertical colour bar will be plotted; if NDIR = 1, a horizontal colour bar will be plotted. NX, NY are the plot coordinates of the lower left corner. Name: CURVE3 22 The routine CURVE3 plots three-dimensional data points. The call is: CALL CURVE3 (XRAY, YRAY, ZRAY, N) level 3 or: void curve3 (const float *xray, const float *yray, const float *zray, int n); XRAY is an array containing the X-coordinates of data points. YRAY is an array containing the Y-coordinates of data points. ZRAY is an array containing the Z-coordinates of data points. N is the number of data points. Name: CURVX3 22 The routine CURVX3 plots three-dimensional data points. The call is: CALL CURVX3 (XRAY, Y, ZRAY, N) level 3 or: void curvx3 (const float *xray, float y, const float *zray, int n); XRAY is an array containing the X-coordinates of data points. Y is the Y-position of a row of data points. ZRAY is an array containing the Z-coordinates of data points. N is the number of data points. Name: CURVY3 22 The routine CURVY3 plots three-dimensional data points. The call is: CALL CURVY3 (X, YRAY, ZRAY, N) level 3 or: void curvy3 (float x, const float *yray, const float *zray, int n); X is the X-position of a column of data points. YRAY is an array containing the Y-coordinates of data points. ZRAY is an array containing the Z-coordinates of data points. N is the number of data points. Name: CRVMAT 22 The routine CRVMAT plots a coloured surface according to a ma- trix. The call is: CALL CRVMAT (ZMAT, IXDIM, IYDIM, IXPTS, IYPTS) level 3 or: void crvmat (const float *zmat, int ixdim, int iydim, int ixpts, int iypts); ZMAT is a matrix of the dimension (IXDIM, IYDIM) con- taining Z-coordinates. The coordinates correspond to a linear grid that overlays the axis system. If XA, XE, YA and YE are the axis limits in GRAF3 or values defined with the routine SURSZE, the rela- tionship between the grid points and the matrix elements can be described by the formula: ZMAT(I,J) = F(X,Y) where X = XA + (I - 1) * (XE - XA) / (IXDIM - 1) Y = YA + (J - 1) * (YE - YA) / (IYDIM - 1). IXDIM, IYDIM define the dimension of ZMAT (>= 2). IXPTS, IYPTS is the number of interpolation steps between grid lines (>= 1). CRVMAT can interpolate points line- arly. Name: CRVTRI 22 The routine CRVTRI plots a coloured surface of the Delaunay triangulation of a set of data points. The call is: CALL CRVTRI (XRAY, YRAY, ZRAY, N, I1RAY, I2RAY, I3RAY, NTRI) level 3 or: void crvtri (const float *zray, const float *yray, const float *zray, int n, const int *i1ray, const int *i2ray, const int *i3ray, int ntri); XRAY is an array containing the X-coordinates of data points. YRAY is an array containing the Y-coordinates of data points. ZRAY is an array containing the Z-coordinates of data points. N is the number of data points. I1RAY, I2RAY, is the Delaunay triangulation of the points I3RAY (XRAY, YRAY) calculated by the routine TRIANG. NTRI is the number of triangles in I1RAY, I2RAY and I3RAY. Name: CRVQDR 22 The routine CRVQDR plots a coloured surface from quadrangles. The call is: CALL CRVQDR (XRAY, YRAY, ZRAY, N) level 3 or: void crvqdr (const float *xray, const float *yray, const float *zray, int n); XRAY is an array containing the X-coordinates of data points. YRAY is an array containing the Y-coordinates of data points. ZRAY is an array containing the Z-coordinates of data points. N is the number of data points. Note: The data points describe the corners of the quad- rangles: the first four points the first quadran- gle, the next four points the next quadrangle, and so on. The number of quadrangles is N / 4. Name: SETRES 22 SETRES defines the size of rectangles plotted by CURVE3, CURVY3 and CRVMAT. The call is: CALL SETRES (NPB, NPH) level 1, 2, 3 or: void setres (int npb, int nph); NPB, NPH are the width and height of rectangles in plot co- ordinates (> 0). Default: (1,1). Name: AUTRES 22 With a call to AUTRES, the size of coloured rectangles will be automatically calculated by GRAF3 or CRVMAT. The call is: CALL AUTRES (IXDIM, IYDIM) level 1 or: void autres (int ixdim, int iydim); IXDIM, IYDIM are the number of data points in the X- and Y- direction, or (0, 0). If IXDIM = 0 and IYDIM = 0, CRVMAT plots rectangles between neighbouring data points. This is useful for logarithmic axes, where the rectangles should have a different size. Name: AX3LEN 22 The routine AX3LEN defines the axis lengths of a coloured axis system. The call is: CALL AX3LEN (NXL, NYL, NZL) level 1 or: void ax3len (int nxl, int yl, int nzl); NXL, NYL, NZL are the axis lengths in plot coordinates. Name: POSBAR 22 The routine POSBAR sets the position of colour bars. By default, colour bars are plotted in a vertical direction near the right Y-axis of an axis system. The call is: CALL POSBAR (COPT) level 1, 2, 3 or: void posbar (const char *copt); COPT is a character value defining the position of colour bars. = 'FIXED' means that the colour bar is plotted in a vertical direction near the right Y-axis. = 'RIGHT' has nearly the same meaning as the keyword 'FIXED', but the colour bar is automatically moved if labels and an axis title is plotted at the right Y-axis. = 'TOP' means that the colour bar is plotted above the axis system in a horizontal direction. = 'BOTTOM' means that the colour bar is plotted below the axis system in a horizontal direction. = 'LEFT' means that the colour bar is plotted on the left side of the axis system. Default COPT = 'FIXED'. Name: JUSBAR 22 JUSBAR defines alignment of colour bars. The call is: CALL JUSBAR (COPT) level 1, 2, 3 or: void jusbar (const char *copt); COPT is a character value defining the alignment of colour bars. = 'START' means that the colour bar is plotted at the be- ginning of the X- or Y-axis. = 'CENTER' means that the colour bar is centred at the X- or Y-axis. = 'END' means that the colour bar is justified at the end of the X- or Y-axis. Default COPT = 'START'. Name: WIDBAR 22 The routine WIDBAR defines the width of the colour bar. The call is: CALL WIDBAR (NZB) level 1, 2, 3 or: void widbar (int nzb); NZB is the width in plot coordinates. Default NZB = 85 Name: FRMBAR 22 The routine FRMBAR defines the thickness of frames around colour bars. The call is: CALL FRMBAR (N) level 1, 2, 3 or: void frmbar (int n); N is the thickness in plot coordinates. Default N = 0 Name: SPCBAR 22 The routine SPCBAR defines the space between colour bars and axis systems. The call is: CALL SPCBAR (N) level 1, 2, 3 or: void spcbar 9int n); N is the space in plot coordinates. Default N = 85 Name: VKXBAR 22 The routine VKXBAR defines horizontal shifting of colour bars. The distance between the colour bar and the axis system is, by default, 85 plot coordinates. The call is: CALL VKXBAR (NVFX) level 1, 2, 3 or: void vkxbar (int nvfx); NVFX is an integer that defines the shifting. If NVFX is positive, the colour bar will be shifted right; if NVFX is negative the colour bar will be shifted left. Default: NVFX = 0 Name: VKYBAR 22 This routine VKYBAR defines a vertical shifting of colour bars. The call is: CALL VKYBAR (NVFY) level 1, 2, 3 or: void vkybar (int nvfy); NVFY is an integer that defines the shifting. If NVFY is positive, the colour bar will be shifted up; if NVFY is negative, the colour bar will be shifted down. Default: NVFY = 0 Name: NOBAR 22 The routine NOBAR instructs DISLIN to suppress the plotting of colour bars. The call is: CALL NOBAR level 1, 2, 3 or: void nobar (); Name: COLRAN 22 The routine defines the range of colours used for colour bars. By default, the range is 1 to 254. The call is: CALL COLRAN (NCA, NCE) level 1, 2, 3 or: void colran (int nca, int nce); NCA, NCE are colour numbers in the range 1 to 254. Default: (1, 254). Name: NOBGD 22 With a call to the routine NOBGD, the plotting of points with the colour 0 will be suppressed. This reduces plotting time and the size of plot files. The call is: CALL NOBGD level 1, 2, 3 or: void nobgd (); Name: REVSCR 22 The routine REVSCR exchanges the colours with the indices 0 and 255. The call is: CALL REVSCR level 1, 2, 3 or: void revscr (); Name: EXPZLB 22 The routine EXPZLB expands the numbering of a logarithmically scaled Z-axis to the next order of magnitude that lies up or down the axis limits. The scaling of the colour bar will not be changed. This routine is useful if the range of the Z-axis scaling is smaller than 1 order of magnitude. The call is: CALL EXPZLB (CSTR) level 1, 2, 3 or: void expzlb (const char *cstr); CSTR is a character string defining the expansion of the Z-axis numbering. = 'NONE' means that the numbering will not be expanded. = 'FIRST' means that the numbering will be expanded down- wards. = 'BOTH' means that the numbering will be expanded down- and upwards. Default: CSTR = 'NONE'. Name: RECFLL 22 The routine RECFLL plots a coloured rectangle where the position is determined by the upper left corner. The call is: CALL RECFLL (NX, NY, NB, NH, NCOL) level 1, 2, 3 or: void recfll (int nx, int ny, int nb, int nh, int ncol); NX, NY are the plot coordinates of the upper left corner. NB, NH are the width and height in plot coordinates. NCOL is a colour value. Name: POINT 22 The routine POINT plots a coloured rectangle where the position is determined by the centre. The call is: CALL POINT (NX, NY, NB, NH, NCOL) level 1, 2, 3 or: void point (int nx, int ny, int nb, int nh, int ncol); NX, NY are the plot coordinates of the centre point. NB, NH are the width and height in plot coordinates. NCOL is a colour value. Name: RLPOIN 22 The routine RLPOIN plots a coloured rectangle where the position is specified in user coordinates. The call is: CALL RLPOIN (X, Y, NB, NH, NCOL) level 2, 3 or: void rlpoin (float x, float y, int nb, int nh, int ncol); Note: RLPOIN clips rectangles at the borders of an axis system. Name: SECTOR 22 The routine SECTOR plots coloured pie sectors. level 1, 2, 3 The call is: CALL SECTOR (NX, NY, NR1, NR2, ALPHA, BETA,NCOL) or: void sector (int nx, int ny, int nr1, int nr2, float alpha, float beta, int ncol); NX, NY are the plot coordinates of the centre point. NR1 is the interior radius. NR2 is the exterior radius. ALPHA, BETA are the start and end angles measured in degrees in a counter-clockwise direction. NCOL is a colour value. Example: CALL SECTOR (100, 100, 0, 50, 0., 360., NCOL) plots a circle around the centre (100,100) with the radius 10 and the colour NCOL. Name: RLSEC 22 The routine RLSEC plots coloured pie sectors where the centre and the radii are specified in user coordinates. The call is: CALL RLSEC (X, Y, R1, R2, ALPHA, BETA, NCOL) level 2, 3 or: void rlsec (float x, float y, float r1, float r2, float alpha, float beta, int ncol); X, Y are the user coordinates of the centre point. R1 is the interior radius. R2 is the exterior radius. ALPHA, BETA are the start and end angles measured in degrees in a counter-clockwise direction. NCOL is a colour index between 0 and 255. Notes: - For the conversion of the radii to plot coordina- tes, the scaling of the X-axis is used. - Sectors plotted by RLSEC will not be cut off at the borders of an axis system. Name: NZPOSN 22 The function NZPOSN converts a Z-coordinate to a colour number. The call is: ICLR = NZPOSN (Z) level 3 or: int nzposn (float z); Note: If Z lies outside of the axis limits and Z is smaller than the lower limit, NZPOSN returns the value 0 and the routine returns the value 255 if Z is greater than the upper limit. Name: COLRAY 22 The routine COLRAY converts an array of Z-coordinates to colour values. The call is: CALL COLRAY (ZRAY, NRAY, N) level 3 or: void colray (const float *zray, int *nray, int n); ZRAY is an array of Z-coordinates. NRAY is an array of colour numbers calculated by COL- RAY. N is the number of coordinates.