Name: QPLOT 30 QPLOT connects data points with lines. The call is: CALL QPLOT (XRAY, YRAY, N) level 0, 1 or: void qplot (const float *xray, const float *yray, int n); XRAY, YRAY are arrays that contain X- and Y-coordinates. N is the number of data points. Name: QPLCRV 30 QPLCRV is a similar routine to QPLOT, but can display multiple curves. The call is: CALL QPLCRV (XRAY, YRAY, N, COPT) level 0, 1 or: void qplcrv (const float *xray, const float *yray, int n, const char *copt); XRAY, YRAY are arrays that contain X- and Y-coordinates. N is the number of data points. COPT is a character string that describes the meaning of the curve. COPT can have the values 'FIRST', 'NEXT' and 'LAST'. Name: QPLSCA 30 QPLSCA marks data points with symbols. The call is: CALL QPLSCA (XRAY, YRAY, N) level 0, 1 or: void qplsca (const float *xray, const float *yray, int n); XRAY, YRAY are arrays that contain X- and Y-coordinates. N is the number of data points. Name: QPLBAR 30 QPLBAR plots a bar graph. The call is: CALL QPLBAR (XRAY, N) level 0, 1 or: void qplbar (const float *xray, int n); XRAY is an array containing data points. N is the number of data points. Name: QPLPIE 30 QPLPIE plots a pie chart. The call is: CALL QPLPIE (XRAY, N) level 0, 1 or: void qplpie (const float *xray, int n); XRAY is an array containing data points. N is the number of data points. Name: QPLCLR 30 QPLCLR makes a 3-D colour plot of a matrix. The call is: CALL QPLCLR (ZMAT, IXDIM, IYDIM) level 0, 1 or: void qplclr (const float *zmat, int ixdim, int iydim); ZMAT is a matrix with the dimension (IXDIM, IYDIM) containing the function values. IXDIM, IYDIM are the dimensions of ZMAT. Name: QPLSUR 30 QPLSUR makes a surface plot of a matrix. The call is: CALL QPLSUR (ZMAT, IXDIM, IYDIM) level 0, 1 or: void qplsur (const float *zmat, int ixdim, int iydim); ZMAT is a matrix with the dimension (IXDIM, IYDIM) containing the function values. IXDIM, IYDIM are the dimensions of ZMAT. Name: QPLCON 30 QPLCON makes a contour plot of a matrix. The call is: CALL QPLCON (ZMAT, IXDIM, IYDIM, NLEV) level 0, 1 or: void qplcon (const float *zmat, int ixdim, int iydim, int nlev); ZMAT is a matrix with the dimension (IXDIM, IYDIM) con- taining the function values. IXDIM, IYDIM are the dimensions of ZMAT. NLEV is the number of contour levels that should be ge- nerated. Name: QPLSCL 30 QPLSCL overwrites the automatic scaling of quick plots. The call is: CALL QPLSCL (A, E, OR, STEP, CAX) level 0, 1 or: void qplscl (float a, float e, float or, float step, const char *cax); A, E are the lower and upper limits of the axis. OR, STEP are the first axis label and the step between labels. CAX is a character string that defines the axes. CAX can contain the characters 'X', 'Y' and 'Z'.