Name: DISINI 1 DISINI initializes DISLIN by setting default parameters and creating a plot file. The level is set to 1. The call is: CALL DISINI level 0 or: void disini (); Name: DISFIN 2 DISFIN terminates DISLIN and prints a messag on the screen. The level is set back to 0. The call is: CALL DISFIN level 1, 2, 3 or: void disfin (); Name: MESSAG 3 MESSAG plots text. The call is: CALL MESSAG (CSTR, NX, NY) level 1, 2, 3 or: void messag (const char *cstr, int nx, int ny); CSTR is a character string (<= 256 characters). NX, NY are the plot coordinates of the upper left corner. Name: NUMBER 3 NUMBER plots a floating point number or integer. The call is: CALL NUMBER (X, NDIG, NX, NY) level 1, 2, 3 or: void number (float x, int ndig, int nx, int ny); X is a floating point number. NDIG is the number of digits plotted after the decimal point. If NDIG = -1, X will be plotted as an in- teger. The last digit of X will be rounded up. NX, NY are the plot coordinates of the upper left corner. Name: RLMESS 3 RLMESS plots text where the position is specified by user coor- dinates. The call is: CALL RLMESS (CSTR, XP, YP) level 2, 3 or: void rlmess (const char *cstr, float xp, float yp); CSTR is a character string (<= 132 characters). XP, YP are the user coordinates of the upper left corner. Name: RLNUMB 3 RLNUMB plots floating point numbers where the position is speci- fied by user coordinates. The call is: CALL RLNUMB (X, N, XP, YP) level 2, 3 or: void rlnumb (float x, int n, float xp, float yp); X is a floating point number. N is the number of digits plotted after the decimal point. If N = -1, X will be plotted as an integer. The last digit of X will be rounded up. XP, YP are the user coordinates of the upper left corner. Name: SYMBOL 5 The routine SYMBOL plots symbols. The call is: CALL SYMBOL (NSYM, NX, NY) level 1, 2, 3 or: void symbol (int nsym, int nx, int ny); NSYM is a symbol number between 0 and 23. NX, NY is the centre of the symbols in plot coordinates. Name: RLSYMB 5 RLSYMB plots a symbol where the centre is specified by user co- ordinates. The call is: CALL RLSYMB (NSYM, XP, YP) level 2, 3 or: void rlsymb (int nsym, float xp, float yp); NSYM is a symbol number between 0 and 21. XP, XP is the centre of the symbol in user coordinates. Name: SYMROT 5 SYMROT defines a rotation angle for symbols. The call is: CALL SYMROT (ANGLE) level 1, 2, 3 or: void symrot (float angle); ANGLE is the rotation angle in degrees. Symbols are ro- tated in an anti-clockwise direction. Name: PAGERA 1 PAGERA plots a border around the page. The call is: CALL PAGERA level 1, 2, 3 or: void pagera (); Name: PAGFLL 1 The routine PAGFLL fills the page with a colour. The call is: CALL PAGFLL (NCLR) level 1, 2, 3 or: void pagfll (int nclr); NCLR is a colour value. Name: PAGHDR 1 PAGHDR plots a page header at a corner of the page. The header line contains date, time and user-defined information. The call is: CALL PAGHDR (C1, C2, IOPT, IDIR) level 1, 2, 3 or: void paghdr (const char *c1, const char *c2, int iopt, int idir); C1 is a character string preceding the header line. C2 is a character string following the header line. IOPT is the page corner where the header is plotted: = 1 is the lower left corner. = 2 is the lower right corner. = 3 is the upper right corner. = 4 is the upper left corner. IDIR is the direction of the header line. = 0 is horizontal. = 1 is vertical. Note: The character size of the header line is 0.5 * NH where NH is the parameter used in HEIGHT. Name: SYMFIL 1 A metafile can be converted with a driver program and sent from the operating system to several devices. From within a user pro- gram, the SYMFIL routine is used for this purpose. The call is: CALL SYMFIL (CDEV, CSTAT) level 0 or: void symfil (const char *cdev, const char *cstat); CDEV is the name of the device. 'CONS' refers to the graphics screen, 'XWIN' to an X Window terminal, 'PSCi' to a PostScript printer, 'KYOi' to a Kyo- cera laser printer with Prescribe, 'HPLi' to a HP- plotter and 'METi' to output for a colour graphics system, where i = 1, 2, 3, ..., n is the printer number. The keyword 'NONE' deletes a metafile with no device plotting. CSTAT is a status parameter and can have the values 'DE- LETE' and 'KEEP'. Name: INCFIL 1 The routine INCFIL includes a GKSLIN or CGM metafile created by DISLIN, or general PNG, BMP, GIF and TIFF files into a graphics. The call is: CALL INCFIL (CFIL) level 1, 2, 3 or: void incfil (const char *cfil); CFIL is a character string that contains the filename. Notes: - For including PNG, BMP, GIF and TIFF files, the output format must be a raster, PostScript or PDF format. - The routine FILBOX (NX, NY, NW, NH) defines a rec- tangular area on the page where the file will be included. (NX, NY) are the plot coordinates of the upper left corner, (NW, NH) are the width and length of the box in plot coordinates. By default, the entire page will be used. If the file is a bitmap and the output format a raster format, the file will be included at the point (NX, NY) while NW and NH will be ignored by default. This means that images are copied 1:1 to the screen. With the option FILOPT ('ON', 'SCALE'), images will be scaled. If the output format is PostScript or PDF, the image file is always scaled into the box defined by the parameters NX, NY, NW and NH. Therefore, NW and NH should have the same ratio as the width and height of the image file. - INCFIL draws by default a frame around the inclu- ded file that can be modified with the routine FRAME. - With the statement CALL FILCLR ('NONE'), colour values in GKSLIN and CGM metafiles will be ignored and the current colour is used. The default is FILCLR ('ALL'). Name: FILBOX 1 The routine FILBOX defines a rectangular area on the page where metafiles will be included by the routine INCFIL. The call is: CALL FILBOX (NX, NY, NW, NH) level 1, 2, 3 or: void filbox (int nx, int ny, int nw, int nh); NX, NY are the plot coordinates of the upper left corner. NW, NH are the width and length of the box in plot coor- dinates. Default: The entire page will be used. Name: FILWIN 1 The routine FILWIN defines a rectangular area off an image, that will included by INCFIL instead of the complete image. The call is: CALL FILWIN (NX, NY, NW, NH) level 1, 2, 3 or: void filwin (int nx, int ny, int nw, int nh); NX, NY are the pixel coordinates of the upper left corner of the image. NW, NH are the width and length of the image in pixels. Default: The complete image will be included. Name: FILCLR 1 The routine FILCLR can be used to ignore colour values in meta- files included with the routine INCFIL. The call is: CALL FILCLR (CMOD) level 1, 2, 3 or: void filclr (const char *cmod); CMOD is a character string that can have the values 'ALL' and 'NONE'. Default: CMOD = 'ALL'. Name: FILSIZ 1 The routine FILSIZ returns the size on an image file. The call is: CALL FILSIZ (CFIL, NWIDTH, NHEIGT, IRET) level 0, 1, 2, 3 or: int filsiz (const char *cfil, int *nwidth, int *nheight); CFIL is a character string that contains the filename. NWIDTH is the returned width of the image in pixel. NHEIGHT is the returned height of the image in pixel. IRET contains a returned status that can have the values: 1: BMP file, 2: GIF file, 3: TIFF file, 4: PNG file, 0: undefined format, -1: error.