Name: GETPAG 16 This routine returns the page size (see SETPAG, PAGE). The call is: CALL GETPAG (NXPAG, NYPAG) level 1, 2, 3 or: void getpag (int *nxpag, int *nypag); Name: GETMFL 16 GETMFL returns the file format (see METAFL). The call is: CALL GETMFL (CDEV) level 1, 2, 3 or: char *getmfl (); CDEV is a character variable containing the file format. Name: GETFIL 16 The routine GETFIL returns the current plot file name. The call is: CALL GETFIL (CFIL) level 1, 2, 3 or: char *getfil (); Name: GETLIN 16 The routine GETLIN returns the current line width. The call is: CALL GETLIN (NWIDTH) level 1, 2, 3 or: int getlin (); Name: GETPAT 16 The routine GETPAT returns the current shading pattern. The call is: CALL GETPAT (NPAT) level 1, 2, 3 or: int getpat (); Name: GETANG 16 The routine GETANG returns the current angle used for text and numbers. The call is: CALL GETANG (NANG) level 1, 2, 3 or: int getang (); Name: GETGRF 16 The routine GETGRF returns the current scaling defined in an axis system. The call is: CALL GETGRF (XA, XE, XOR, XSTP, CAX) level 2, 3 or: void getgrf (float *xa, float *xe, float *xor, float *xstp, const char *cax); XA, XE are the lower and upper limits of the axis. XOR, XSTP are the first axis label and the step between la- bels. CAX selects the axis and can have the values 'X', 'Y' and 'Z'. Name: GETOR 16 GETOR returns the coordinates of the origin (see ORIGIN). The call is: CALL GETOR (NX0, NY0) level 1, 2, 3 or: void getor (int *nx0, int *ny0); Name: GETPOS 16 This routine returns the position of the lower left corner of an axis system in plot coordinates (see AXSPOS). The call is: CALL GETPOS (NXA, NYA) level 1, 2, 3 or: void getpos (int *nxa, int *nya); Name: GETLEN 16 GETLEN returns the length of the X-, Y- and Z-axes (see AXSLEN, AX3LEN). The call is: CALL GETLEN (NXL, NYL, NZL) level 1, 2, 3 or: void getlen (int *nxl, int *nyl, int *nzl); Name: GETHGT 16 GETHGT returns the character height (see HEIGHT). The call is: CALL GETHGT (NHCHAR) level 1, 2, 3 or: int gethgt (); Name: GETHNM 16 GETHNM returns the character height of axis titles (see HNAME). The call is: CALL GETHNM (NHCHAR) level 1, 2, 3 or: int gethnm (); Name: GETALF 16 GETALF returns the base alphabet format (see BASALF). The call is: CALL GETALF (CALF) level 1, 2, 3 or: char *getalf (); CALF is a character variable containing the returned base alphabet. Name: GETMIX 16 GETMIX returns control characters used for plotting indices and exponents (see SETMIX, NEWMIX). The call is: CALL GETMIX (CHAR, CMIX) level 1, 2, 3 or: char *getmix (const char *cmix); CHAR is a character string containing the control cha- racter. CMIX is a character string that defines the function of the control character. CMIX can have the values 'EXP', 'IND', 'RES' and 'LEG' for exponents, in- dices, resetting the base-line, and for multiple text lines in legends. Name: GETSHF 16 GETSHF returns shift characters used for plotting special Euro- pean characters (see EUSHFT). The call is: CALL GETSHF (CNAT, CHAR) level 1, 2, 3 or: char *getshf (const char *cnat); CNAT is a character string that can have the values 'GERMAN', 'FRENCH', 'SPANISH', 'DANISH', 'ACUTE', 'GRAVE' and 'CIRCUM'. CHAR is a character string containing the returned shift character. Name: GMXALF 16 GMXALF returns shift characters used for shifting between the base and an alternate alphabet (see SMXALF). The call is: CALL GMXALF (CALPH, C1, C2, N) level 1, 2, 3 or: int gmxalf (const char *calph, char *c1, char *c2); CALPH is a character string containing an alphabet. In addition to the names in BASALF, CALPH can have the value 'INSTRUCTION'. C1, C2 are characters strings that contain the returned shift characters. N is the returned index of the alphabet between 0 and 6. If N = 0, no shift characters are defined for the alphabet CALPH. Name: GETDIG 16 This routine returns the number of decimal places that are dis- played in axis labels (see LABDIG). The call is: CALL GETDIG (NXDIG, NYDIG, NZDIG) level 1, 2, 3 or: void getdig (int *nxdig, int *nydig, int *nzdig); Name: GETTIC 16 GETTIC returns the number of ticks that are plotted between axis labels (see TICKS). The call is: CALL GETTIC (NXTIC, NYTIC, NZTIC) level 1, 2, 3 or: void gettic (int *nxtic, int *nytic, int *nztic); Name: GETTCL 16 GETTCL returns tick lengths (see TICLEN). The call is: CALL GETTCL (NMAJ, NMIN) level 1, 2, 3 or: void gettcl (int *nmaj, int *nmin); Name: GETSP1 16 GETSP1 returns the distance between axis ticks and labels (see LABDIS). The call is: CALL GETSP1 (NXDIS, NYDIS, NZDIS) level 1, 2, 3 or: void getsp1 (int *nxdis, int *nydis, int *nzdis); Name: GETSP2 16 GETSP2 returns the distance between axis labels and names (see NAMDIS). The call is: CALL GETSP2 (NXDIS, NYDIS, NZDIS) level 1, 2, 3 or: void getsp2 (int *nxdis, int *nydis, int *nzdis); Name: GETSCL 16 This routine returns the type of axis scaling used. For linear scaling, the value 0 is returned and for logarithmic scaling, the value 1 is returned (see AXSSCL). The call is: CALL GETSCL (NXLOG, NYLOG, NZLOG) level 1, 2, 3 or: void getscl (int *nxlog, int *nylog, int *nzlog); Name: GETLAB 16 GETLAB returns the label types used for axis numbering (see LABELS). The call is: CALL GETLAB (CXLAB, CYLAB, CZLAB) level 1, 2, 3 or: void getlab (char *cxlab, char *cylab, char *czlab); Name: GETCLR 16 GETCLR returns the current colour as an index from the colour table (see SETCLR). The call is: CALL GETCLR (NCOL) level 1, 2, 3 or: int getclr (); Name: GETUNI 16 GETUNI returns the logical unit used for error messages. The call is: CALL GETUNI (NU) level 1, 2, 3 or: FILE *getuni (); Name: GETVER 16 GETVER returns the version number of the currently used DISLIN library. The call is: CALL GETVER (XVER) level 1, 2, 3 or: float getver (); Name: GETLEV 16 GETLEV returns the level. The call is: CALL GETLEV (NLEV) level 0, 1, 2, 3 or: int getlev (); Name: GETSYM 16 GETSYM returns the current symbol number and height of symbols. The call is: CALL GETSYM (NSYM, NHSYMB) level 1, 2, 3 or: void getsym (int *nsym, int *nhsymb); Name: GETTYP 16 GETTYP returns the current line style (see LINTYP). The call is: CALL GETTYP (NTYP) level 1, 2, 3 or: int gettyp (); Name: GETRES 16 GETRES returns the width and height of rectangles plotted in 3-D colour graphics (see SETRES, AUTRES). The call is: CALL GETRES (NPB, NPH) level 1, 2, 3 or: void getres (int *npb, int *nph); Name: GETVLT 16 GETVLT returns the current colour table (see SETVLT). The call is: CALL GETVLT (CVLT) level 1, 2, 3 or: char *getvlt (); Name: GETIND 16 For a colour index, the routine GETIND returns the corresponding RGB coordinates stored in the current colour table. (see SET- IND). If an explicit RGB value is specified, GETIND retuns the RGB coordinates of the RGB value. The call is: CALL GETIND (I, XR, XG, XB) level 1, 2, 3 or: void getind (int i, float *xr, float *xg, float *xb); Name: GETRGB 16 GETRGB returns the RGB coordinates of the current colour. The call is: CALL GETRGB (XR, XG, XB) level 1, 2, 3 or: void getrgb (float *xr, float *xg, float *xb); Name: GETSCR 16 GETSCR returns the width and height of the screen in pixels. The call is: CALL GETSCR (NWPIX, NHPIX) level 0, 1, 2, 3 or: void getscr (int *nwpix, int *nhpix); Name: GETBPP 16 GETBPP returns the number of bits per pixel used by graphics card. The call is: CALL GETBPP (NBPP) level 0, 1, 2, 3 or: int getbpp (); Name: GETDSP 16 The routine GETDSP returns the terminal type. The call is: CALL GETDSP (CDSP) or: char *getdsp (); CDSP is a returned character string that can have the values 'XWIN' for X Window terminals, 'WIND' for Windows terminals and 'NONE' for none of them. Name: GETRAN 16 GETRAN returns the colour range of colour bars (see COLRAN). The call is: CALL GETRAN (NCA, NCE) level 1, 2, 3 or: void getran (int *nca, int *nce); Name: GETWID 16 GETWID returns the width of the colour bar plotted in 3-D colour graphics (see BARWTH). The call is: CALL GETWID (NZB) level 1, 2, 3 or: int getwid (); Name: GETVK 16 This routine returns the lengths used for shifting titles and colour bars (see VKYTIT, VKXBAR, VKYBAR). The call is: CALL GETVK (NYTIT, NXBAR, NYBAR) level 1, 2, 3 or: void getvk (int *nytit, int *nxbat, int *nybar); Name: GETWIN 16 This routine returns the upper left corner and the size of the graphics window. The call is: CALL GETWIN (NX, NY, NW, NH) level 1, 2, 3 or: void getwin (int *nx, int *ny, int *nw, int *nh); NX, NY contain the upper left corner in screen coordina- tes. NW, NH are the width and height of the window in screen coordinates. Name: GETCLP 16 The routine GETCLP returns the current clipping window. The call is: CALL GETCLP (NX, NY, NW, NH) level 1, 2, 3 or: void getclp (int *nx, int *ny, int *nw, int *nh); NX, NY are the plot coordinates of the upper left corner. NW, NH are the width and height in plot coordinates. Name: GETXID 16 The routine GETXID returns the ID of the current X graphics win- dow. The call is: CALL GETXID (ID, CTYPE) level 1, 2, 3 or: int getxid (const char *ctype); ID is the returned window ID. CTYPE is a character string that can have the values 'WINDOW' and 'PIXMAP'.