Preface to Version 10.4 This manual describes the data plotting library DISLIN written in the programming languages Fortran and C. The name DISLIN is an abbreviation for Device-Independent Software LINdau since applications were designed to run on different computer systems without any changes. The library contains subroutines and functions for displaying data graphically as curves, bar graphs, pie charts, 3-D colour plots, surfaces, contours and maps. DISLIN is intended to be a powerful and easy to use software package for programmers and scientists that does not require knowledge of hardware features of output devices. The rou- tines in the graphics library are the result of my own work on many projects with different computers and many plotting packages. There are only a few graphics routines with a short parameter list needed to display the desired graphical output. A large variety of parameter setting routines can then be called to create individually customized graphics. Since the first version of DISLIN was released in Dec. 1986, many changes and corrections have been made and new features and standards have been added to the software. Some of the new features are elementary image routines, a graphical user interface, filled contour lines, flat and smooth shaded sur- and a C interface for reading binary data from Fortran pro- grams. DISLIN supports now several hardware platforms, ope- rating systems and compilers. A real Fortran 90 library is available for most Fortran 90 compilers. Although nearly all the routines and utilities of the soft- ware package are written by myself, DISLIN would not have been possible without the help of many people. I would like to thank several people at the Max-Planck-Institut in Lin- dau. First, Dr. W. Degenhardt, Dr. H. J. Mueller and Dr. I. Pardowitz who gave their friendly assistance. To all the users of DISLIN, I am grateful for your helpful suggestions and comments. I would especially like to thank the members of the computer center, Friederich Both, Terry Ho, Godehard Monecke and Michael Bruns for their co-operation. Finally, I am grateful to Linda See and Erika Eschebach who corrected the English and German manuals with great carefulness. To all of them, my sincere thanks. H. Michels Goettingen, 15.01.2014