Chapter 10: Business Graphics This chapter presents business graphic routines to create bar graphs and pie charts. 10.1 Bar Graphs B A R S BARS plots bar graphs. The call is: CALL BARS (XRAY, Y1RAY, Y2RAY, N) level 2, 3 XRAY is an array of user coordinates defining the position of the bars on the X-axis. Y1RAY is an array of user coordinates containing the start points of the bars on the Y-axis. Y2RAY is an array of user coordinates containing the end points of the bars on the Y-axis. N is the number of bars. Notes: - Shading patterns of bars can be selected with SHDPAT or MYPAT. Shading numbers will be in- cremented by 1 after every call to BARS. - Legends can be plotted for bar graphs. F B A R S FBARS plots financial bars for open, high, low and close prices. The bars are displayed as line bars or candlestick bars. The call is: CALL FBARS (XRAY, Y1RAY, Y2RAY, Y3RAY, Y4RAY, N) level 2, 3 XRAY is an array of user coordinates defining the position of the bars on the X-axis. Y1RAY is an array of user coordinates containing the open prices. Y2RAY is an array of user coordinates containing the high prices. Y3RAY is an array of user coordinates containing the low prices. Y4RAY is an array of user coordinates containing the close prices. N is the number of bars. Notes: - The type of the financial bars can be selected with the routine BARTYP. - BARCLR sets colours for finacial bars. The following routines modify the appearance of bar graphs. B A R T Y P The routine BARTYP defines vertical or horizontal bars. The call is: CALL BARTYP (CTYP) level 1, 2, 3 CTYP is a character string defining the bar type. = 'VERT' means that vertical bars will be plotted. = 'HORI' means that horizontal bars will be plotted. If this parameter is used, XRAY defines the posi- tion of the bars on the Y-axis while Y1RAY and Y2RAY define the position of the bars on the X-axis. = '3DVERT' defines vertical 3-D bars. = '3DHORI' defines horizontal 3-D bars. = 'CANDLE' defines candlestick bars for financial bars. = 'TICKS' defines financial line bars with tick marks. Defaults: CTYP = 'VERT', 'CANDLE'. C H N B A R CHNBAR modifies colours and shading patterns for single bars. The call is: CALL CHNBAR (CATT) level 1, 2, 3 CATT is a character string defining bar attributes. = 'NONE' means that all bars will be plotted with the current colour and shading pattern. = 'COLOR' means that the colour is changed for each bar. = 'PATTERN' means that the shading pattern is changed for each bar. = 'BOTH' means that the colour and shading pattern is changed for each bar. Default: CATT = 'NONE'. Notes: - The sequence of colours is: WHITE/BLACK, RED, GREEN, YELLOW, BLUE, ORANGE, CYAN, MAGENTA. The sequence of shading patterns is 0 - 17. Colour and pattern cycles can be changed with CLRCYC and PATCYC. - If the routine BARCLR is used, the changing of colours will be ignored. B A R W T H BARWTH defines the width of the bars. The call is: CALL BARWTH (XWTH) level 1, 2, 3 XWTH is a real number defining the width. If XWTH is positive, the bar width is the absolute va- lue of XWTH * (XRAY(1)-XRAY(2)). If XWTH is negative, the absolute value of XWTH is used where XWTH must be specified in plot coordina- tes. Default: XWTH = 0.75 B A R M O D BARMOD modifies the width of bars. The call is: CALL BARMOD (CMOD, COPT) level 1, 2, 3 CMOD is a character string that can have the values 'FIXED' and 'VARIABLE'. If CMOD = 'VARIABLE', the width of bars plotted by the routine BARS will be variable. In that case, XWTH should have a positive value in BARWTH since the width of bars is calculated in a similar way as described in BARWTH. COPT is a character string that must contain the value 'WIDTH'. Default: ('FIXED', 'WIDTH'). B A R P O S The position of the bars is determined by the parameters XRAY, Y1RAY and Y2RAY. The routine BARPOS can be used to select predefined positions. The parameters XRAY, Y1RAY and Y2RAY will contain the calculated positions. The call is: CALL BARPOS (COPT) level 1, 2, 3 COPT is a character string that defines the positi- on of the bars. = 'NONE' means that the positions are defined only by the parameters in BARS. = 'TICKS' means that the bars will be centred at major ticks. XRAY must be a dummy vector. = 'AXIS' means that vertical bars start at the X-axis and horizontal bars at the Y-axis. Y1RAY must be a dummy vector. = 'BOTH' activates the options 'TICKS' and 'AXIS'. XRAY and Y1RAY must be dummy arrays. Default: COPT = 'NONE'. Bars can be plotted on top of one another if the routine BARS is called several times. To plot bars side by side in groups, the routine BARGRP can be used. B A R G R P The routine BARGRP puts bars with the same axis position into groups. The number of group elements should be the same as the number of calls to the routine BARS. The call is: CALL BARGRP (NGRP, GAP) level 1, 2, 3 NGRP is the number of bars defining one group. GAP defines the spacing between group bars. If GAP is positive, the value GAP * W is used where W is the width of a single bar. If GAP is nega- tive, the positive value of GAP is used where GAP must be specified in plot coordinates. B A R C L R The routine BARCLR defines the colours of bars. Different colours can be defined for the sides of 3-D bars. The call is: CALL BARCLR (IC1, IC2, IC3) level 1, 2, 3 IC1, IC2, IC3 are colour values for the front, side and top planes of 3-D bars. The value -1 means that the corresponding plane is plotted with the current colour. For financial bars, IC1 is the colour of the line bars, IC2 the colour of the open ticks and IC3 the colour of the close ticks. Default: (-1, -1, -1). B A R B O R The routine BARBOR defines the colour of borders plotted around the bars. By default, a border in the current colour is plotted around 2-D bars, and borders in the foreground colour are plotted around 3-D bars. The call is: CALL BARBOR (IC) level 1, 2, 3 IC is a colour value. If IC = -1, the bar borders will be plotted with the current colour. Default: IC = -1 B A R O P T The routine BAROPT modifies the appearance of 3-D bars. The call is: CALL BAROPT (XF, ANG) level 1, 2, 3 XF is a floating point number that defines the depth of bars. IF XF = -1., the bar width is used for the bar depth. IF XF > 0., XF is in- terpreted as the bar depth specified in plot coordinates. ANG defines an angle measured in degrees between the front and side planes of 3-D bars. Default: (-1., 45.). L A B E L S The routine LABELS defines labels for bar graphs. The call is: CALL LABELS (CLAB, 'BARS') level 1, 2, 3 CLAB is a character defining the labels. = 'NONE' means that no labels will be plotted. = 'SECOND' means that Y2RAY is used for labels. = 'FIRST' means that Y1RAY is used for labels. = 'DELTA' means that the difference vector (Y2RAY - Y1RAY) is used for labels. Default: CLAB = 'NONE'. L A B P O S The routine LABPOS defines the position of the labels. The call is: CALL LABPOS (CPOS, 'BARS') level 1, 2, 3 CPOS is a character string that defines the positi- on of the labels. = 'INSIDE' means inside at the end of a bar. = 'OUTSIDE' means outside at the end of a bar. = 'LEFT' defines the upper left side. = 'RIGHT' defines the upper right side. = 'CENTER' selects the centre of a bar. = 'AUTO' means 'INSIDE' if labels are smaller than the bar width, otherwise 'OUTSIDE'. Default: CPOS = 'AUTO'. L A B D I G The routine LABDIG defines the number of decimal places in the labels. The call is: CALL LABDIG (NDIG, 'BARS') level 1, 2, 3 NDIG is the number of decimal places (>= -2). Default: NDIG = 1 L A B C L R The routine LABCLR defines the colour of labels. The call is: CALL LABCLR (NCLR, 'BARS') level 1, 2, 3 NCLR is a colour value. If NCLR = -1, the bar la- bels will be plotted with the current colour. Default: NCLR = -1 10.2 Pie Charts P I E G R F PIEGRF plots pie charts. The call is: CALL PIEGRF (CBUF, NLIN, XRAY, NSEG) level 1 CBUF is a character string containing text lines for segment labels. More than one line can be defined for labels. CBUF must be created with LEGLIN after calling LEGINI. If NLIN is 0 in the parameter list, CBUF can be a dummy vari- able. NLIN is the number of text lines used for one seg- ment label. XRAY is an array of user coordinates. NSEG is the dimension of XRAY. Notes: - The centre and the size of pies is defined by a region that can be changed with the rou- tines AXSPOS and AXSLEN. - PIEGRF sets the level to 2. Titles and legends can be plotted after PIEGRF is called. - Segment labels can contain several lines of text and the data values specified in PIEGRF. Data values can also be converted to percent values. - Segment labels are contained within a box where the thickness of the border can be chan- ged with FRAME. The following routines modify the appearance of pie charts. P I E T Y P The routine PIETYP defines 2-D or 3-D pie charts. The call is: CALL PIETYP (CTYP) level 1, 2, 3 CTYP is a character string defining the pie type. = '2D' defines a 2-D pie chart. = '3D' defines a 3-D pie chart. Default: CTYP = '2D'. C H N P I E CHNPIE defines colours and shading patterns for pie graphs. The call is: CALL CHNPIE (CATT) level 1, 2, 3 CATT is a character string defining segment attri- butes. = 'NONE' means that all pie segments will be plotted with the current colour and shading pattern. = 'COLOR' means that every segment will have a different colour. = 'PATTERN' means that every segment will have a different shading pattern. = 'BOTH' means that every segment will have both a dif- ferent colour and shading pattern. Default: CATT = 'PATTERN'. Note: The sequence of colours is: WHITE/BLACK, RED, GREEN, YELLOW, BLUE, ORANGE, CYAN, MAGENTA. The sequence of shading patterns is 0 - 17. Colour and pattern cycles can be changed with CLRCYC and PATCYC. L A B E L S LABELS selects data or percent values used for segment la- bels. The call is: CALL LABELS (CLAB, 'PIE') level 1, 2, 3 CLAB is a character string that defines the values used for segment labels. = 'NONE' means that data values will not be displayed. = 'PERCENT' means that values will be plotted as percenta- ges. = 'DATA' means that the data values specified in PIEGRF will be plotted. = 'BOTH' means both 'PERCENT' and 'DATA'. Default: CDOC = 'PERCENT'. L A B P O S LABPOS determines the position of segment labels. The call is: CALL LABPOS (CPOS, 'PIE') level 1, 2, 3 CPOS is a character string defining the position of labels. = 'INTERNAL' means that labels will be plotted inside pie segments. If labels are too big, they will be plotted outside. = 'EXTERNAL' means that segment labels will be plotted out- side pie segments. = 'ALIGNED' means that segment labels will be plotted out- side pie segments and aligned. Default: CPOS = 'INTERNAL'. L A B T Y P LABTYP defines the position of text lines in segment labels. The call is: CALL LABTYP (CTYP, 'PIE') level 1, 2, 3 CTYP is a character string that defines how text lines are justified. = 'CENTER' centres text lines. = 'LEFT' left-justifies text lines. = 'RIGHT' right-justifies text lines. = 'OUTWARDS' left-justifies text lines on the left side of pies and right-justifies text lines on the right side of pies. = 'INWARDS' right-justifies text lines on the left side of pies and left-justifies text lines on the right side of pies. Default: CTYP = 'CENTER'. L A B D I G The routine LABDIG defines the number of decimal places used in segment labels. The call is: CALL LABDIG (NDIG, CDIG) level 1, 2, 3 NDIG is the number of decimal places (>= -2). CDIG is a character string selecting the data va- lues. = 'PIE' defines the number of decimal places used for percent and data values. = 'PERCENT' defines the number of decimal places used for percent values. = 'DATA' defines the number of decimal places used for data values. Default: (1, 'PIE'). L A B C L R The routine LABCLR defines the colour of labels. The call is: CALL LABCLR (NCLR, 'PIE') n level 1, 2, 3 NCLR is a colour value. If NCLR = -1, the pie la- bels will be plotted with the current colour. Default: NCLR = -1 P I E C L R The routine PIECLR defines colours for single pies. Dif- ferent colours can be defined for the top and front sides of 3-D pies. PIECLR has no effect if the routine CHNPIE is called with the parameters 'COLOR' or 'BOTH'. The call is: CALL PIECLR (NC1RAY, NC2RAY, N) level 1, 2, 3 NC1RAY, are integer arrays containing colour values NC2RAY for the top and front sides of pies. The value -1 means that the current colour is used. N is the dimension of NC1RAY and NC2RAY. P I E B O R The routine PIEBOR defines the colour of borders plotted around the pies. By default, a border in the current colour is plotted around 2-D pies, and borders in the foreground colour are plotted around 3-D pies. The call is: CALL PIEBOR (IC) level 1, 2, 3 IC is a colour value. Default: IC = -1 P I E O P T The routine PIEOPT modifies the appearance of 3-D pies. The call is: CALL PIEOPT (XF, ANG) level 1, 2, 3 XF is a scaling number that defines the thickness of pies. The thickness is set to XF * radius. ANG defines an view angle measured in degrees. Default: (0.2, 45.). P I E L A B The routine PIELAB defines character strings that can be plotted on the left or right side of data values within seg- ment labels. The call is: CALL PIELAB (CLAB, CPOS) level 1, 2, 3 CLAB is a character string displayed in segment la- bels. CPOS is a character string that defines the positi- on of CLAB. = 'LEFT' means that CLAB will be plotted on the left side of data values. = 'RIGHT' means that CLAB will be plotted on the right side of data values. Note: If percent and data values are plotted in seg- ment labels, PIELAB is only used for data va- lues. P I E E X P Pie segments will be offset by 8% of the radius if PIEEXP is called. The call is: CALL PIEEXP level 1, 2, 3 Note: Single segments will be offset if the corres- ponding values in PIEGRF are negative. P I E R O T The routine PIEROT defines a rotation angle for 2-D pies. The call is: CALL PIEROT (ANGLE) level 1, 2, 3 ANGLE is the rotation angle in degrees. The 2-D pie is rotated in a counter-clockwise direction. P I E V A L The routine PIEVAL affects the distance of external labels for the pie. The call is: CALL PIEVAL (X, CKEY) level 1, 2, 3 X is a floating point variable containing the value. CKEY is a character string that can have the values 'GAP' and 'DISTANCE'. The keyword 'GAP' means the gap in plot coordinates between the arrows and the pie. The keyword 'DISTANCE' defines a scaling factor for the distance of the label boxes from the pie. Default: (20., 'GAP'), (1.0, 'DISTANCE'). P I E V E C PIEVEC modifies the arrows plotted between segments and la- bels that lie outside of segments. The call is: CALL PIEVEC (IVEC, COPT) level 1, 2, 3 IVEC defines the arrow head (see VECTOR). COPT is a character string that defines the vector plotted between segments and labels. = 'NONE' suppresses vectors. = 'STRAIGHT' means that straight vectors will be plotted. = 'BROKEN' means that broken vectors will be plotted. Default: (2301, 'BROKEN'). P I E C B K The routine PIECBK defines a user written callback routine that is called by PIEGRF for each segment. The callback rou- tine allows the modification of pie charts such as suppres- sing certain labels. The call is: CALL PIECBK (Routine) level 1, 2, 3 ROUTINE is the name of a routine defined by the user. In Fortran, the routine must be declared as EXTERNAL. The syntax of the callback routine is: SUBROUTINE Routine (ISEG, XDAT, XPER, NRAD, NOFF, ANGLE, NVX, NVY, IDRW, IANN) where: ISEG is the segment index (starting with 1). XDAT is the data value of the segment as specified in PIEGRF. XPER is the percent value of XDAT. NRAD is the segment radius in plot coordinates. NOFF is the segment offset in plot coordinates (de- fault: 0). ANGLE is the offset angle measured in degrees in a counter-clockwise direction. The default value is the angle which bisects the segment. NVX shifts the segment label in the X-direction by NVX plot coordinates. NVY shifts the segment label in the Y-direction by NVY plot coordinates. IDRW defines the plotting of segments. If IDRW = 0, plotting will be suppressed (default: 1). IANN defines the plotting of labels. If IANN = 0, labels will be suppressed (default: 1). Notes: - The first 3 parameters in the callback routine are only given for information and cannot be changed by the user. - The callback routine is a replacement for the user written routine USRPIE that can still be used, but is not working for shareable and DISLIN wrapper libraries. USRPIE has the same syntax as the callback routine, but without the parameter NVX. 10.3 Examples PROGRAM EX10_1 ! Bar Graphs DIMENSION X(9),Y(9),Y1(9),Y2(9),Y3(9) CHARACTER*60 CTIT,CBUF*24 DATA X/1.,2.,3.,4.,5.,6.,7.,8.,9./ Y/9*0./ * Y1/1.,1.5,2.5,1.3,2.0,1.2,0.7,1.4,1.1/ * Y2/2.,2.7,3.5,2.1,3.2,1.9,2.0,2.3,1.8/ * Y3/4.,3.5,4.5,3.7,4.,2.9,3.0,3.2,2.6/ NYA=2700 CTIT='Bar Graphs (BARS)' CALL SETPAG('DA4P') CALL DISINI CALL PAGERA CALL COMPLX CALL TICKS(1,'X') CALL INTAX CALL AXSLEN(1600,700) CALL TITLIN(CTIT,3) CALL LEGINI(CBUF,3,8) CALL LEGLIN(CBUF,'FIRST',1) CALL LEGLIN(CBUF,'SECOND',2) CALL LEGLIN(CBUF,'THIRD',3) CALL LEGTIT(' ') CALL SHDPAT(5) DO I=1,3 IF(I.GT.1) CALL LABELS('NONE','X') CALL AXSPOS(300,NYA-(I-1)*800) CALL GRAF(0.,10.,0.,1.,0.,5.,0.,1.) IF(I.EQ.1) THEN CALL BARGRP(3,0.15) CALL BARS(X,Y,Y1,9) CALL BARS(X,Y,Y2,9) CALL BARS(X,Y,Y3,9) CALL RESET('BARGRP') ELSE IF(I.EQ.2) THEN CALL HEIGHT(30) CALL LABELS('DELTA','BARS') CALL LABPOS('CENTER','BARS') CALL BARS(X,Y,Y1,9) CALL BARS(X,Y1,Y2,9) CALL BARS(X,Y2,Y3,9) CALL HEIGHT(36) ELSE IF(I.EQ.3) THEN CALL LABELS('SECOND','BARS') CALL LABPOS('OUTSIDE','BARS') CALL BARS(X,Y,Y1,9) END IF IF(I.NE.3) CALL LEGEND(CBUF,7) IF(I.EQ.3) THEN CALL HEIGHT(50) CALL TITLE END IF CALL ENDGRF END DO CALL DISFIN END PROGRAM EX10_2 ! Pie Charts DIMENSION XRAY(5) CHARACTER*60 CTIT,CBUF*40 DATA XRAY/1.,2.5,2.,2.7,1.8/ CTIT='Pie Charts (PIEGRF)' NYA=2800 CALL SETPAG('DA4P') CALL DISINI CALL PAGERA CALL COMPLX CALL AXSLEN(1600,1000) CALL TITLIN(CTIT,2) CALL LEGINI(CBUF,5,8) CALL LEGLIN(CBUF,'FIRST',1) CALL LEGLIN(CBUF,'SECOND',2) CALL LEGLIN(CBUF,'THIRD',3) CALL LEGLIN(CBUF,'FOURTH',4) CALL LEGLIN(CBUF,'FIFTH',5) C Selecting shading patterns CALL PATCYC(1,7) CALL PATCYC(2,4) CALL PATCYC(3,13) CALL PATCYC(4,3) CALL PATCYC(5,5) DO I=1,2 CALL AXSPOS(250,NYA-(I-1)*1200) IF(I.EQ.2) THEN CALL LABELS('DATA','PIE') CALL LABPOS('EXTERNAL','PIE') END IF CALL PIEGRF(CBUF,1,XRAY,5) IF(I.EQ.2) THEN CALL HEIGHT(50) CALL TITLE END IF CALL ENDGRF END DO CALL DISFIN END