Chapter 13: Geographical Projections and Plotting Maps This chapter presents different methods to project geogra- phical coordinates onto a plane surface. Several base maps are stored in DISLIN for plotting maps. 13.1 Axis Systems and Secondary Axes G R A F M P The routine GRAFMP plots a geographical axis system. The call is: CALL GRAFMP (XA, XE, XOR, XSTP, YA, YE, YOR, YSTP) level 2 XA, XE are the lower and upper limits of the X-axis. XOR, XSTP are the first X-axis label and the step be- tween labels. YA, YE are the lower and upper limits of the Y-axis. YOR, YSTP are the first Y-axis label and the step be- tween labels. Notes: - GRAFMP must be called from level 1 and sets the level to 2. - The axes must be linear and scaled in ascen- ding order. In general, X-axes must be scaled between -180 and 180 degrees and Y-axes be- tween -90 and 90 degrees. - For elliptical projections, the plotting of an axis system will be suppressed. This will also be done for azimuthal projections with YE - YA > 90. - The statement CALL GRIDMP (I, J) overlays an axis system with a longitude and latitude grid where I and J are the number of grid lines be- tween labels in the X- and Y-direction. X A X M A P The routine XAXMAP plots a secondary X-axis. The call is: CALL XAXMAP (A, B, OR, STEP, CSTR, NT, NY) level 2 A, B are the lower and upper limits of the X-axis. OR, STEP are the first label and the step between la- bels. CSTR is a character string containing the axis name. NT indicates how ticks, labels and the axis name are plotted. If NT = 0, they are plotted in a clockwise direction. If NT = 1, they are plot- ted in a counter-clockwise direction. NY defines the horizontal position of the X-axis. A secondary axis must be located inside the axis system. Y A X M A P The routine YAXMAP plots a secondary Y-axis. The call is: CALL YAXMAP (A, B, OR, STEP, CSTR, NT, NX) level 2 A, B are the lower and upper limits of the Y-axis. OR, STEP are the first label and the step between la- bels. CSTR is a character string containing the axis name. NT indicates how ticks, labels and the axis name are plotted. If NT = 0, they are plotted in a clockwise direction. If NT = 1, they are plot- ted in a counter-clockwise direction. NX defines the vertical position of the Y-axis. A secondary axis must be located inside the axis system. 13.2 Defining the Projection Since a globe cannot be unfolded into a plane surface, many different methods have been developed to represent a globe on a plane surface. In cartography, there are 4 basic me- thods differentiated by attributes such as equal distance, area and angle. The 4 basic methods are: a) Cylindrical Projections The surface of the globe is projected onto a cylinder which can be unfolded into a plane surface and touches the globe at the equator. The latitudes and longitudes of the globe are projected as straight lines. b) Conical Projections The surface of the globe is projected onto a cone which can also be unfolded into a plane surface. The cone touches or intersects the globe at two latitudes. The longitudes are projected as straight lines intersecting at the top of the cone and the latitudes are projected as concentric circles around the top of the cone. c) Azimuthal Projections For azimuthal projections, a hemisphere is projected onto a plane which touches the hemisphere at a point called the map pole. The longitudes and latitudes are projected as circles. d) Elliptical Projections Elliptical projections project the entire surface of the globe onto an elliptical region. P R O J C T The routine PROJCT selects the geographical projection. The call is: CALL PROJCT (CTYPE) level 1 CTYPE is a character string defining the projection. = 'CYLI' defines a cylindrical equidistant projection. = 'MERC' selects the Mercator projection. = 'EQUA' defines a cylindrical equal-area projection. = 'HAMM' defines the elliptical projection of Hammer. = 'AITO' defines the elliptical projection of Aitoff. = 'WINK' defines the elliptical projection of Winkel. = 'SANS' defines the elliptical Mercator-Sanson projec- tion. = 'CONI' defines a conical equidistant projection. = 'ALBE' defines a conical equal-area projection (Albers). = 'CONF' defines a conical conformal projection. = 'AZIM' defines an azimuthal equidistant projection. = 'LAMB' defines an azimuthal equal-area projection. = 'STER' defines an azimuthal stereographic projection. = 'ORTH' defines an azimuthal orthographic projection. = 'MYPR' defines a user-defined projection. Default: CTYPE = 'CYLI'. Notes: - For cylindrical equidistant projections, the scaling parameters in GRAFMP must be in the range: -540 <= XA <= XE <= 540 -180 <= YA <= YE <= 180 For Mercator projections: -540 <= XA <= XE <= 540 - 85 <= YA <= YE <= 85 For cylindrical equal-area projections: -540 <= XA <= XE <= 540 - 90 <= YA <= YE <= 90 For elliptical projections: -540 <= XA <= XE <= 540 XE - XA <= 360 - 90 <= YA <= YE <= 90 For conical projections: -540 <= XA <= XE <= 540 0 <= YA <= YE <= 90 or - 90 <= YA <= YE <= 0 For azimuthal projections with YE - YA > 90, the hemisphere around the map pole is pro- jected onto a circle. Therefore, the hemi- sphere can be selected with the map pole. The plotting of the axis system is by default sup- pressed. If YE - YA <= 90, the part of the globe defined by the axis scaling is projected onto a rectangle. The map pole will be set by GRAF- MP to ((XA+XE)/2, (YE+YA)/2). The scaling pa- rameters must be in the range: -180 <= XA <= XE <= 180 and XE - XA <= 180 - 90 <= YA <= YE <= 90 - For all projections except the default projec- tion, longitude and latitude coordinates will be projected with the same scaling factor for the X- and Y-axis. The scaling factor is de- termined by the scaling of the Y-axis while the scaling of the X-axis is used to centre the map. The longitude (XA+XE)/2 always lies in the centre of the axis system. - Geographical projections can only be used for routines described in this chapter or routines that plot contours. 13.3 Plotting Maps W O R L D The routine WORLD plots coastlines and lakes or political borders. Coastlines and lakes are plotted by default, poli- tical borders can be enabled with the routine MAPOPT. The call is: CALL WORLD level 2 Note: The routine WORLD supports also some external map coordinates (see MAPBAS). S H D M A P The routine SHDMAP plots shaded continents. The call is: CALL SHDMAP (CMAP) level 2 CMAP is a character string defining the continent. = 'AFRI' means Africa. = 'ANTA' means the Antarctic. = 'AUST' means Australia. = 'EURA' means Europe and Asia. = 'NORT' means North America. = 'SOUT' means South America. = 'LAKE' means lakes. = 'ALL' means all continents and lakes. = 'SEA' means that oceans and lakes are shaded. = 'LAND' means that all land is shaded without lakes. Note: Shading patterns can be selected with SHDPAT and MYPAT except for 'SEA' and 'LAND' shading, where a solid shading is used. Colours can be defined with COLOR and SETCLR. S H D A F R The routine SHDAFR plots shaded African countries. The call is: CALL SHDAFR (INRAY, IPRAY, ICRAY, N) level 2 INRAY is an integer array containing the countries to be shaded. INRAY can have the following va- lues: 1: Algeria 19: Gabon 37: Nigeria 2: Angola 20: Gambia 38: Ruanda 3: Benin 21: Ghana 39: Senegal 4: Botswana 22: Guinea 40: Seychelles 5: Burkina Faso 23: Guinea Bissau 41: Sierra Leone 6: Burundi 24: Kenya 42: Somalia 7: Cameroon 25: Lesotho 43: South Africa 8: Central Afr. Rep. 26: Liberia 44: Sudan 9: Chad 27: Libya 45: Swaziland 10: Comoros 28: Madagascar 46: Tanzania 11: Congo, Dem. Rep. 29: Malawi 47: Togo 12: Congo, Rep. 30: Mali 48: Tunisia 13: Cote d'Ivoire 31: Mauritania 49: Uganda 14: Djibouti 32: Mauritius 50: West Sahara 15: Egypt 33: Morocco 51: Zambia 16: Equatorial Guinea 34: Mozambique 52: Zimbawe 17: Eritrea 35: Namibia 18: Ethiopia 36: Niger 0: Africa IPRAY is an integer array containing shading pat- terns. ICRAY is an integer array containing colour numbers. The value -1 means that the current colour is used. N is the number of countries to be shaded. Note: The plotting of outlines can be suppressed with CALL NOARLN. S H D A S I The routine SHDASI plots shaded Asiatic countries. The call is: CALL SHDASI (INRAY, IPRAY, ICRAY, N) level 2 INRAY is an integer array containing the countries to be shaded. INRAY can have the following va- lues: 1: Afghanistan 19: Jordan 37: Saudiarab 2: Armenia 20: Kazakhstan 38: Scrilanka 3: Azerbaijan 21: Korea (North) 39: Singapore 4: Bangladesh 22: Korea (South) 40: Spratly 5: Bhutan 23: Kuwait 41: Syria 6: Brunei 24: Kyrgyzstan 42: Taiwan 7: Burma 25: Laos 43: Tajikistan 8: Cambodia 26: Lebanon 44: Thailand 9: China 27: Malaysia 45: Turkey 10: Emirates 28: Maldives 46: Turkmenistan 11: Gaza 29: Mongolia 47: Uzbekistan 12: Georgia 30: Nepal 48: Vietnam 13: India 31: Oman 49: Westbank 14: Indonesia 32: Pakistan 50: Yemen 15: Iran 33: Paracel 16: Irak 34: Philippines 17: Israel 35: Quatar 18: Japan 36: Russia 0: All IPRAY is an integer array containing shading pat- terns. ICRAY is an integer array containing colour numbers. The value -1 means that the current colour is used. N is the number of countries to be shaded. Note: The plotting of outlines can be suppressed with CALL NOARLN. S H D A U S The routine SHDAUS plots shaded countries of Australia and Oceania. The call is: CALL SHDAUS (INRAY, IPRAY, ICRAY, N) level 2 INRAY is an integer array containing the countries to be shaded. INRAY can have the following va- lues: 1: Australia 6: Nauru 11: Solomon 2: Fiji 7: Newcaledonia 12: Tonga 3: Kiribati 8: Newsealand 13: Tuvalu 4: Marshall 9: Papanewguinea 14: Vanuatu 5: Micronesia 10: Samoa 0: All IPRAY is an integer array containing shading pat- terns. ICRAY is an integer array containing colour numbers. The value -1 means that the current colour is used. Note: The plotting of outlines can be suppressed with CALL NOARLN. S H D E U R The routine SHDEUR plots shaded European countries. The call is: CALL SHDEUR (INRAY, IPRAY, ICRAY, N) level 2 INRAY is an integer array containing the countries to be shaded. INRAY can have the following va- lues: 1: Albania 17: Luxembourg 33: Belarus 2: Andorra 18: Malta 34: Bosnia 3: Belgium 19: Netherlands 35: Croatia 4: Bulgaria 20: North Ireland 36: Czech 5: Germany 21: Norway 37: Estonia 6: Denmark 22: Austria 38: Latvia 7: Cyprus 23: Poland 39: Lithuania 8: United Kingdom 24: Portugal 40: Macedonia 9: Finland 25: Romania 41: Moldavia 10: France 26: Sweden 42: Russia 11: Greece 27: Switzerland 43: Serbia 12: Ireland 28: Spain 44: Slovakia 13: Iceland 29: CSFR 45: Slovenia 14: Italy 30: Turkey 46: Ukraine 15: Yugoslavia 31: USSR 16: Liechtenstein 32: Hungary 0: Europe IPRAY is an integer array containing shading pat- terns. ICRAY is an integer array containing colour numbers. The value -1 means that the current colour is used. N is the number of countries to be shaded. Notes: - The plotting of outlines can be suppressed with CALL NOARLN. - To stay compatible with older programs, the number 15 (Yugoslavia) plots Bosnia, Croatia, Macedonia, Serbia and Slovenia, the number 29 (CSFR) plots Czech Republic and Slovakia and the number 31 (USSR) plots Belarus, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Moldavia, Russia and Ukra- ine. S H D N O R The routine SHDNOR plots shaded countries of North and Central America. The call is: CALL SHDNOR (INRAY, IPRAY, ICRAY, N) level 2 INRAY is an integer array containing the states to be shaded. INRAY can have the following va- lues: 1: Alaska 13: El Salvador 25: Nicaragua 2: Antigua, Barbuda 14: Greenland 26: Panama 3: Bahamas 15: Grenada 27: Puerto Rico 4: Barbados 16: Guadeloupe 28: St. Kitts, Nevis 5: Belize 17: Guatemala 29: St. Lucia 6: British Virgin 18: Haiti 30: St. Vincent 7: Caiman Islands 19: Honduras 31: Trinidad 8: Canada 20: Jamaica 32: USA 9: Costa Rica 21: Martinique 10: Cuba 22: Mexico 0: All 11: Dominica 23: Montserrat 12: Dominican Rep. 24: Neth. Antilles IPRAY is an integer array containing shading pat- terns. ICRAY is an integer array containing colour numbers. The value -1 means that the current colour is used. N is the number of states to be shaded. S H D S O U The routine SHDSOU plots shaded states of South America. The call is: CALL SHDSOU (INRAY, IPRAY, ICRAY, N) level 2 INRAY is an integer array containing the states to be shaded. INRAY can have the following va- lues: 1: Argentina 6: Ecuador 11: Suriname 2: Bolivia 7: French Guyana 12: Uruguay 3: Brazil 8: Guyana 13: Venezuela 4: Chile 9: Paraguay 5: Colombia 10: Peru 0: All IPRAY is an integer array containing shading pat- terns. ICRAY is an integer array containing colour numbers. The value -1 means that the current colour is used. N is the number of states to be shaded. S H D U S A The routine SHDUSA plots shaded USA states. The call is: CALL SHDUSA (INRAY, IPRAY, ICRAY, N) level 2 INRAY is an integer array containing the states to be shaded. INRAY can have the following va- lues: 1: Alabama 19: Maine 37: Oregon 2: Alaska 20: Maryland 38: Pennsylvania 3: Arizona 21: Massachusetts 39: Rhode Island 4: Arkansas 22: Michigan 40: South Carolina 5: California 23: Minnesota 41: South Dakota 6: Colorado 24: Mississippi 42: Tennessee 7: Connecticut 25: Missouri 43: Texas 8: Delaware 26: Montana 44: Utah 9: Florida 27: Nebraska 45: Vermont 10: Georgia 28: Nevada 46: Virginia 11: Hawaii 29: New Hampshire 47: Washington 12: Idaho 30: New Jersey 48: West Virginia 13: Illinois 31: New Mexico 49: Wisconsin 14: Indiana 32: New York 50: Wyoming 15: Iowa 33: North Carolina 51: Washington DC 16: Kansas 34: North Dakota 17: Kentucky 35: Ohio 18: Louisiana 36: Oklahoma 0: USA IPRAY is an integer array containing shading pat- terns. ICRAY is an integer array containing colour numbers. The value -1 means that the current colour is used. N is the number of states to be shaded. M A P I M G The routine MAPIMG plots a BMP or GIF raster image to an axis system. Some parameters which describe the location, scale and rotation of the map are passed to MAPIMG. The parameters have the same meaning as the attributes of the ESRI World File Format. The call is: CALL MAPIMG (CFIL, X1, X2, X3, X4, X5, X6) level 2 CFIL is a character string that contains the name of a BMP or GIF file. X1 is the pixel size in the X-direction in map units per pixel. X2 is the rotation about the Y-axis. X3 is the rotation about the X-axis. X4 is the pixel size in the Y-direction in map units per pixel. This value is normally a neg- ative number. X5 is the X-coordinate of the centre of the upper left pixel. X6 is the Y-coordinate of the centre of the upper left pixel. 13.4 Plotting Data Points C U R V M P The routine CURVMP plots curves through data points or marks them with symbols. The call is: CALL CURVMP (XRAY, YRAY, N) level 2 XRAY, YRAY are real arrays containing the data points. N is the number of data points. Notes: - CURVMP is similar to CURVE except that only a linear interpolation can be used. - In general, a line between two points on the globe will not be projected as a straight line. Therefore, CURVMP interpolates lines li- nearly by small steps. An alternate plotting mode can be set with MAPMOD. 13.5 Parameter Setting Routines M A P B A S The routine MAPBAS defines the map data file used in the routine WORLD. An internal DISLIN map file, some external map files compiled by Paul Wessel and map files in Mapgen format can be used. The map files compiled by Paul Wessel can be copied from the servers The external map files 'gshhs_l.b', 'gshhs_i.b', 'gshhs_h.b' and 'gshhs_f.b' must be copied to the map subdirectory of the DISLIN directory. Map files in Mapgen format are available from the Coastline Extractor: The call is: CALL MAPBAS (CBAS) level 1, 2 CBAS is a character string defining the map data file: = 'DISLIN' defines the DISLIN base map. = 'GSHL' defines 'gshhs_l.b' as base map. = 'GSHI' defines 'gshhs_i.b' as base map. = 'GSHH' defines 'gshhs_h.b' as base map. = 'GSHF' defines 'gshhs_f.b' as base map. = 'MAPFIL' defines an external map file as base map that is specified with the routine MAPFIL. Default: CBAS = 'DISLIN'. M A P F I L The routine MAPFIL defines an external map file. The map file can be used as base map if the routine MAPBAS is called with the parameter 'MAPFIL'. The call is: CALL MAPFIL (CFIL, COPT) level 1, 2 CFIL is a character string containing the filename of the external map file. COPT is a character string describing the format of the map coordinates. COPT can have the values 'GSHHS' and 'MAPGEN'. M A P L E V The routine MAPLEV defines land, lake or river coordinates for WORLD if the external map files from Paul Wessel are used. The call is: CALL MAPLEV (COPT) level 1, 2 COPT is a character string that can have the values 'BOTH', 'LAND', 'LAKE' and 'RIVERS'. The key- word 'BOTH' means 'LAND' and 'LAKE'. If COPT = 'RIVERS', the WDB rivers distributed with the GSHHS coordinates are plotted. Default: COPT = 'BOTH'. M A P P O L MAPPOL defines the map pole used for azimuthal projections. The call is: CALL MAPPOL (XPOL, YPOL) level 1 XPOL, YPOL are the longitude and latitude coordinates in degrees where: -180 <= XPOL <= 180 and -90 <= YPOL <= 90. Default: (0., 0.) Note: For an azimuthal projection with YE - YA <= 90, the map pole will be set by GRAFMP to ((XA+XE)/2, (YA+YE)/2). M A P S P H For an azimuthal projection with YE - YA > 90, DISLIN auto- matically projects a hemisphere around the map pole onto a circle. The hemisphere can be reduced using MAPSPH. The call is: CALL MAPSPH (XRAD) level 1 XRAD defines the region around the map pole that will be projected onto a circle (0 < XRAD <= 90). Default: XRAD = 90. M A P R E F The routine MAPREF defines, for conical projections, two la- titudes where the cone intersects or touches the globe. The call is: CALL MAPREF (YLW, YUP) level 1 YLW, YUP are the lower and upper latitudes where: 0 <= YLW <= YUP <= 90 or - 90 <= YLW <= YUP <= 0 Default: YLW = YA + 0.25 * (YE - YA) YUP = YA + 0.75 * (YE - YA) Note: YLW and YUP can have identical values and lie outside of the axis scaling. M A P L A B The routine MAPLAB enables axis system labels for azimuthal and elliptical projections. The call is: CALL MAPLAB (COPT, CKEY) level 1, 2 COPT is a character string that can contain the options 'NONE', 'LEFT', 'RIGHT' and 'BOTH'. CKEY is a character string containing the keyword 'LATITUDE'. Default: ('NONE', 'LATITUDE'). M A P M O D The routine MAPMOD determines how data points will be con- nected by CURVMP. The call is: CALL MAPMOD (CMODE) level 1, 2 CMODE is a character string defining the connection mode. = 'STRAIGHT' defines straight lines. = 'INTER' means that lines will be interpolated linear- ly. = 'GREAT' means Great Circle interpolation. Default: CMODE = 'INTER'. M A P O P T The routine MAPOPT enables political borders plotted by the routine WORLD, or sets an option to adjust the length of the X-axis to the scaling. The call is: CALL MAPOPT (COPT, CKEY) level 1, 2 COPT is a character string containing an option. CKEY is a character string containing a keyword: = 'WORLD' If CKEY = 'WORLD', COPT can have the values 'COAST', 'BORDERS' and 'BOTH'. The default value is COPT = 'COAST'. = 'XAXIS' If CKEY = 'XAXIS', COPT can have the values 'STANDARD' and 'AUTO'. Normally, longitude and latitude coordinates will be projected with the same scaling factor where the scaling fac- tor is determined by the scaling of the Y-axis while the scaling of the X-axis is used to centre the map. For COPT = 'AUTO', DISLIN tries the change the length of the X-axis, so that the axis length corresponds to the sca- ling parameters in GRAFMP for the X-axis. The default value is COPT = 'STANDARD'. 13.6 Conversion of Coordinates P O S 2 P T The routine POS2PT converts map coordinates to plot coordi- nates. The call is: CALL POS2PT (XLONG, YLAT, XP, YP) level 2 XLONG, YLAT are the map coordinates in degrees. The map coordinates should be in the range of the axis scaling. XP, YP are the plot coordinates calculated by POS2PT. The corresponding functions are: XP = X2DPOS (XLONG, YLAT) YP = Y2DPOS (XLONG, YLAT) P T 2 P O S The routine PT2POS is the inverse routine to POS2PT and con- verts plot coordinates to map coordinates. The plot coordi- nates should be located in the current axis system. The call is: CALL POS2PT (XP, YP, XLONG, YLAT) level 2 XP, YP are the plot coordinates. XLONG, YLAT are the map coordinates calculated by PT2POS. 13.7 User-defined Projections A user-defined projection can be enabled with the keyword 'MYPR' in the routine PROJCT. For a user-defined projection, the user must write a routine that converts longitude and latitude coordinates to axis coordinates (plot coordinates relative to the origin of the axis system). The name of the user written routine must then passed to DISLIN with the routine SETCBK. S E T C B K The routine SETCBK defines a user written callback routine. The call is: CALL SETCBK (ROUTINE, 'MYPR') level 0, 1, 2, 3 ROUTINE is the name of a routine defined by the user. In Fortran, the routine must be declared as EXTERNAL. In the following example, a cylindrical projection is imple- mented as a user-defined projection: PROGRAM MYPR EXTERNAL MYFUNC COMMON /MYCOMM/ XA,XE,YA,YE,NXL,NYL XA = -180. XE = 180. YA = -90. YE = 90. NXL = 2400 NYL = 1200 CALL METAFL ('cons') CALL DISINI CALL PAGERA CALL COMPLX CALL AXSLEN (NXL, NYL) CALL PROJCT ('MYPR') CALL SETCBK (MYFUNC, 'MYPR') CALL GRAFMP (XA, XE, XA, 90., YA, YE, YA, 30.) CALL GRIDMP (1,1) CALL WORLD CALL DISFIN END SUBROUTINE MYFUNC (XP, YP) COMMON /MYCOMM/ XA,XE,YA,YE,NXL,NYL XP = (XP - XA)/(XE - XA) * (NXL - 1) YP = (YP - YA)/(YE - YA) * (NYL - 1) END 13.8 Examples PROGRAM EX13_1 CALL SETPAG('DA4L') CALL DISINI CALL PAGERA CALL COMPLX CALL FRAME(3) CALL AXSPOS(400,1850) CALL AXSLEN(2400,1400) CALL NAME('Longitude','X') CALL NAME('Latitude','Y') CALL TITLIN('World Coastlines and Lakes',3) CALL LABELS('MAP','XY') CALL GRAFMP(-180.,180.,-180.,90., * -90., 90., -90.,30.) CALL GRIDMP(1,1) CALL WORLD CALL HEIGHT(50) CALL TITLE CALL DISFIN END PROGRAM EX13_2 CHARACTER*6 CPROJ(3),CTIT*60 DATA CPROJ/'Sanson','Winkel','Hammer'/ CALL SETPAG('DA4P') CALL DISINI CALL PAGERA CALL COMPLX CALL HEIGHT(40) CALL AXSLEN(1600,750) NYA=3850 DO I=1,3 NYA=NYA-950 CALL AXSPOS(250,NYA) CALL PROJCT(CPROJ(I)) CALL NOCLIP CALL GRAFMP(-180.,180.,-180.,30., * -90., 90., -90.,15.) WRITE(CTIT,'(2A)') * 'Elliptical Projection of ', CPROJ(I) CALL TITLIN(CTIT,4) CALL TITLE CALL WORLD CALL GRIDMP(1,1) CALL ENDGRF END DO CALL DISFIN END PROGRAM EX13_3 DIMENSION NXA(4),NYA(4),XPOL(4),YPOL(4) CHARACTER*60 CTIT DATA NXA/200,1150,200,1150/, * NYA/1600,1600,2700,2700/ DATA XPOL/0.,0.,0.,0./,YPOL/0.,45.,90.,-45./ CTIT='Azimuthal Lambert Projections' CALL SETPAG('DA4P') CALL DISINI CALL PAGERA CALL COMPLX CALL HEIGHT(50) NL=NLMESS(CTIT) NX=(2250-NL)/2. CALL MESSAG(CTIT,NX,300) CALL AXSLEN(900,900) CALL PROJCT('LAMBERT') DO I=1,4 CALL AXSPOS(NXA(I),NYA(I)) CALL MAPPOL(XPOL(I),YPOL(I)) CALL GRAFMP(-180.,180.,-180.,30., * -90., 90., -90.,30.) CALL WORLD CALL GRIDMP(1,1) CALL ENDGRF END DO CALL DISFIN END PROGRAM EX13_4 DIMENSION INRAY(1),IPRAY(1),ICRAY(1) INRAY(1)=0 IPRAY(1)=0 ICRAY(1)=1 CALL SETPAG('DA4P') CALL DISINI CALL PAGERA CALL COMPLX CALL INTAX CALL TICKS(1,'XY') CALL FRAME(3) CALL AXSLEN(1600,2200) CALL AXSPOS(400,2700) CALL NAME('Longitude','X') CALL NAME('Latitude','Y') CALL TITLIN('Conformal Conic Projection',3) CALL LABELS('MAP','XY') CALL PROJCT('CONF') CALL GRAFMP(-10.,30.,-10.,5.,35.,70.,35.,5.) CALL GRIDMP(1,1) CALL SHDEUR(INRAY,IPRAY,ICRAY,1) CALL HEIGHT(50) CALL TITLE CALL DISFIN END