Chapter 16: Quick Plots This chapter presents some quick plots that are collections of DISLIN routines for displaying data with one statement. Axis scaling is done automatically, but can be set manually with the routine QPLSCL. By default, graphical output is sent to the screen. 16.1 Plotting Curves Q P L O T QPLOT connects data points with lines. The call is: CALL QPLOT (XRAY, YRAY, N) level 0, 1 XRAY, YRAY are arrays that contain X- and Y-coordinates. N is the number of data points. Q P L C R V QPLCRV is a similar routine to QPLOT, but can display mul- tiple curves. The call is: CALL QPLCRV (XRAY, YRAY, N, COPT) level 0, 1 XRAY, YRAY are arrays that contain X- and Y-coordinates. N is the number of data points. COPT is a character string that describes the mean- ing of the curve. COPT can have the values 'FIRST', 'NEXT' and 'LAST'. 16.2 Scatter Plots Q P L S C A QPLSCA marks data points with symbols. The call is: CALL QPLSCA (XRAY, YRAY, N) level 0, 1 XRAY, YRAY are arrays that contain X- and Y-coordinates. N is the number of data points. 16.3 Bar Graphs Q P L B A R QPLBAR plots a bar graph. The call is: CALL QPLBAR (XRAY, N) level 0, 1 XRAY is an array containing data points. N is the number of data points. 16.4 Pie Charts Q P L P I E QPLPIE plots a pie chart. The call is: CALL QPLPIE (XRAY, N) level 0, 1 XRAY is an array containing data points. N is the number of data points. 16.5 3-D Colour Plots Q P L C L R QPLCLR makes a 3-D colour plot of a matrix. The call is: CALL QPLCLR (ZMAT, IXDIM, IYDIM) level 0, 1 ZMAT is a matrix with the dimension (IXDIM, IYDIM) containing the function values. IXDIM, IYDIM are the dimensions of ZMAT. 16.6 Surface Plots Q P L S U R QPLSUR makes a surface plot of a matrix. The call is: CALL QPLSUR (ZMAT, IXDIM, IYDIM) level 0, 1 ZMAT is a matrix with the dimension (IXDIM, IYDIM) containing the function values. IXDIM, IYDIM are the dimensions of ZMAT. 16.7 Contour Plots Q P L C O N QPLCON makes a contour plot of a matrix. The call is: CALL QPLCON (ZMAT, IXDIM, IYDIM, NLEV) level 0, 1 ZMAT is a matrix with the dimension (IXDIM, IYDIM) containing the function values. IXDIM, IYDIM are the dimensions of ZMAT. NLEV is the number of contour levels that should be generated. 16.8 Setting Parameters for Quick Plots Quick plots can be called in level 0 and level 1 of DISLIN. If they are called in level 0, the statements CALL METAFL ( 'CONS') and CALL DISINI are executed by quick plots. If they are called in level 1, these statements will be suppressed. This means that programs can change the output device of quick plots and define axis names and titles if they call quick plots in level 1 after a call to DISINI. Q P L S C L QPLSCL overwrites the automatic scaling of quick plots. The call is: CALL QPLSCL (A, E, OR, STEP, CAX) level 0, 1 A, E are the lower and upper limits of the axis. OR, STEP are the first axis label and the step between labels. CAX is a character string that defines the axes. CAX can contain the characters 'X', 'Y' and 'Z'. The following example defines axis names and a title for QPLOT: CALL METAFL ('CONS') CALL DISINI CALL NAME ('X-axis', 'X') CALL NAME ('Y-axis', 'Y') CALL TITLIN ('This is a Title', 2) CALL QPLOT (XRAY, YRAY, N) END