Chapter 7: Parameter Requesting Routines This chapter describes subroutines that return the current values of plot parameters. All routines correspond to para- meter setting routines described in the last chapter or handled in chapter 11, "3-D Colour Graphics". For a complete description of parameters, the user is referred to these chapters. If a character string is returned, it will appear in uppercase letters and be shortened to four characters. For the language C, if the value of a requesting routine is a character pointer, the pointer is the address of a static variable in DISLIN and may not be freed. G E T P A G This routine returns the page size (see SETPAG, PAGE). The call is: CALL GETPAG (NXPAG, NYPAG) level 1, 2, 3 G E T F I L The routine GETFIL returns the current plot file name (see SETFIL). The call is: CALL GETFIL (CFIL) level 1, 2, 3 CFIL is a character variable containing the file- name. G E T M F L GETMFL returns the file format (see METAFL). The call is: CALL GETMFL (CDEV) level 1, 2, 3 CDEV is a character variable containing the file format. G E T O R GETOR returns the coordinates of the origin (see ORIGIN). The call is: CALL GETOR (NX0, NY0) level 1, 2, 3 G E T P O S This routine returns the position of the lower left corner of an axis system in plot coordinates (see AXSPOS). The call is: CALL GETPOS (NXA, NYA) level 1, 2, 3 G E T L E N GETLEN returns the length of the X-, Y- and Z-axes (see AXSLEN, AX3LEN). The call is: CALL GETLEN (NXL, NYL, NZL) level 1, 2, 3 G E T H G T GETHGT returns the character height (see HEIGHT). The call is: CALL GETHGT (NHCHAR) level 1, 2, 3 G E T H N M GETHNM returns the character height of axis titles (see HNAME). The call is: CALL GETHNM (NHNAME) level 1, 2, 3 G E T A N G GETANG returns the current character angle used for text and numbers (see ANGLE). The call is: CALL GETANG (NANG) level 1, 2, 3 G E T A L F GETALF returns the base alphabet format (see BASALF). The call is: CALL GETALF (CALF) level 1, 2, 3 CALF is a character variable containing the re- turned base alphabet. G E T M I X GETMIX returns control characters used for plotting indices and exponents (see SETMIX, NEWMIX). The call is: CALL GETMIX (CHAR, CMIX) level 1, 2, 3 CHAR is a character string containing the control character. CMIX is a character string that defines the func- tion of the control character. CMIX can have the values 'EXP', 'IND', 'RES' and 'LEG' for exponents, indices, resetting the base-line, and for multiple text lines in legends. G E T S H F GETSHF returns shift characters used for plotting special European characters (see EUSHFT). The call is: CALL GETSHF (CNAT, CHAR) level 1, 2, 3 CNAT is a character string that can have the values 'GERMAN', 'FRENCH', 'SPANISH', 'DANISH', 'ACUTE' , 'GRAVE' and 'CIRCUM'. CHAR is a character string containing the returned shift character. G M X A L F GMXALF returns shift characters used for shifting between the base and an alternate alphabet (see SMXALF). The call is: CALL GMXALF (CALPH, C1, C2, N) level 1, 2, 3 CALPH is a character string containing an alphabet. In addition to the names in BASALF, CALPH can have the value 'INSTRUCTION'. C1, C2 are characters strings that contain the re- turned shift characters. N is the returned index of the alphabet between 0 and 6. If N = 0, no shift characters are defined for the alphabet CALPH. G E T D I G This routine returns the number of decimal places that are displayed in axis labels (see LABDIG). The call is: CALL GETDIG (NXDIG, NYDIG, NZDIG) level 1, 2, 3 G E T G R F The routine GETGRF returns the current scaling of an axis system. The call is: CALL GETGRF (XA, XE, XOR, XSTP, CAX) level 2, 3 XA, XE are the lower and upper limits of the axis. XOR, XSTP are the first axis label and the step between labels. CAX selects the axis and can have the values 'X', 'Y' and 'Z'. G E T T I C GETTIC returns the number of ticks that are plotted between axis labels (see TICKS). The call is: CALL GETTIC (NXTIC, NYTIC, NZTIC) level 1, 2, 3 G E T T C L GETTCL returns tick lengths (see TICLEN). The call is: CALL GETTCL (NMAJ, NMIN) level 1, 2, 3 G E T S P 1 GETSP1 returns the distance between axis ticks and labels (see LABDIS). The call is: CALL GETSP1 (NXDIS, NYDIS, NZDIS) level 1, 2, 3 G E T S P 2 GETSP2 returns the distance between axis labels and names (see NAMDIS). The call is: CALL GETSP2 (NXDIS, NYDIS, NZDIS) level 1, 2, 3 G E T S C L This routine returns the type of axis scaling used. For linear scaling, the value 0 is returned and for logarithmic scaling, the value 1 is returned (see AXSSCL). The call is: CALL GETSCL (NXLOG, NYLOG, NZLOG) level 1, 2, 3 G E T L A B GETLAB returns the label types used for axis numbering (see LABELS). The call is: CALL GETLAB (CXLAB, CYLAB, CZLAB) level 1, 2, 3 G E T C L R GETCLR returns the current colour as an index from the colour table (see SETCLR). The call is: CALL GETCLR (NCOL) level 1, 2, 3 G E T U N I GETUNI returns the logical unit used for error messages. The call is: CALL GETUNI (NU) level 1, 2, 3 G E T V E R GETVER returns the version number of the currently used DIS- LIN library. The call is: CALL GETVER (XVER) level 1, 2, 3 G E T P L V GETPLV returns the patch level of the currently used DISLIN library. The call is: CALL GETPLV (IPLV) level 1, 2, 3 G E T L E V GETLEV returns the level. The call is: CALL GETLEV (NLEV) level 0, 1, 2, 3 G E T S Y M GETSYM returns the current symbol number and height of sym- bols. The call is: CALL GETSYM (NSYM, NHSYMB) level 1, 2, 3 G E T T Y P GETTYP returns the current line style (see LINTYP). The call is: CALL GETTYP (NTYP) level 1, 2, 3 G E T L I N The routine GETLIN returns the current line width (see LIN- WID). The call is: CALL GETLIN (NWIDTH) level 1, 2, 3 G E T P A T The routine GETPAT returns the current shading pattern (see SHDPAT). The call is: CALL GETPAT (NPAT) level 1, 2, 3 G E T R E S GETRES returns the width and height of rectangles plotted in 3-D colour graphics (see SETRES, AUTRES). The call is: CALL GETRES (NPB, NPH) level 1, 2, 3 G E T V L T GETVLT returns the current colour table (see SETVLT). The call is: CALL GETVLT (CVLT) level 1, 2, 3 G E T I N D For a colour index, the routine GETIND returns the corres- ponding RGB coordinates stored in the current colour table (see SETIND). If an explicit RGB value is specified, GETIND retuns the RGB coordinates of the RGB value. The call is: CALL GETIND (I, XR, XG, XB) level 1, 2, 3 G E T R G B GETRGB the RGB coordinates of the current colour. The call is: CALL GETRGB (XR, XG, XB) level 1, 2, 3 G E T S C R GETSCR returns the width and height of the screen in pixels. The call is: CALL GETSCR (NWPIX, NHPIX) level 0, 1, 2, 3 G E T B P P GETBPP returns the number of bits per pixel used by graphics card. The call is: CALL GETBPP (NBPP) level 0, 1, 2, 3 G E T D S P The routine GETDSP returns the terminal type. The call is: CALL GETDSP (CDSP) level 0, 1, 2, 3 CDSP is a returned character string that can have values 'XWIN' for X Window terminals, 'WIND' for Windows terminals and 'NONE' for none of them. G E T R A N GETRAN returns the colour range of colour bars (see COLRAN). The call is: CALL GETRAN (NCA, NCE) level 1, 2, 3 G E T W I D GETWID returns the width of the colour bar plotted in 3-D colour graphics (see BARWTH). The call is: CALL GETWID (NZB) level 1, 2, 3 G E T V K This routine returns the lengths used for shifting titles and colour bars (see VKYTIT, VKXBAR, VKYBAR). The call is: CALL GETVK (NYTIT, NXBAR, NYBAR) level 1, 2, 3 G E T W I N This routine returns the upper left corner and the size of the graphics window (see WINDOW, WINSIZ). The call is: CALL GETWIN (NX, NY, NW, NH) level 1, 2, 3 G E T C L P The routine GETCLP returns the upper left corner and the size of the current clipping window (see CLPWIN). The call is: CALL GETCLP (NX, NY, NW, NH) level 1, 2, 3 G E T X I D The routine GETXID returns the ID of the current X graphics window or pixmap. The call is: CALL GETXID (ID, CTYPE) level 1, 2, 3 ID is the returned ID. CTYPE is a character string that can have the values 'WINDOW' and 'PIXMAP'.