@if not "%1" == "" goto START @ECHO /****************************************************************/ @ECHO /** C L I N K **/ @ECHO /** **/ @ECHO /** CLINK links programs using the DISLIN C-library. **/ @ECHO /** **/ @ECHO /** Command: CLINK [option] [-r8] main **/ @ECHO /** **/ @ECHO /** option is an optional qualifier that may have one of **/ @ECHO /** the following values: **/ @ECHO /** -c to compile programs before linking **/ @ECHO /** -cpp to compile C++ programs before linking **/ @ECHO /** -r to run programs after linking **/ @ECHO /** -a to compile, link and run programs. **/ @ECHO /** **/ @ECHO /** -r8 is an optional parameter for using the double **/ @ECHO /** precision library of DISLIN. **/ @ECHO /** **/ @ECHO /** main is the name of the main program. **/ @ECHO /** **/ @ECHO /** Example: CLINK -a TEST **/ @ECHO /** Version: gcc-mingw32 **/ @ECHO /****************************************************************/ @goto EXIT :START @set _dislin=%DISLIN% @if "%DISLIN%" == "" set _dislin=c:\dislin @set _opt1=%1 @if %1 == -c shift @if %1 == -cpp shift @if %1 == -a shift @if %1 == -r shift @set _opt2=%1 @if %1 == -r8 shift @rem @set _cc=gcc @if %_opt1% == -cpp set _cc=g++ @if %_opt1% == -c goto COMP @if %_opt1% == -cpp goto COMP @if %_opt1% == -a goto COMP @goto LINK :COMP @set _ext=c @set _inc=%_dislin% @if %_opt1% == -cpp set _ext=cpp @if %_opt2% == -r8 set _inc=%_dislin%\real64 %_cc% -c -I%_inc% %1.%_ext% @set _ext= @set _inc= @if errorlevel 1 goto ENDE :LINK @set _lib=dismg.a @if %_opt2% == -r8 set _lib=dismg_d.a %_cc% -o %1.exe %1.o %2 %3 %4 %5 %6 %_dislin%\%_lib% -luser32 -lgdi32 -lopengl32 @set _lib= @if %_opt1% == -a goto RUN @if %_opt1% == -r goto RUN @goto ENDE :RUN @if errorlevel 1 goto ENDE %1 :ENDE @set _dislin= @set _opt1= @set _opt2= @set _cc= :EXIT