E-mail: Teresa.Montaruli@unige.ch
Website: www.icecube.wisc.edu/~tmontaruli,
Research: My research activity started in 1994 and has mainly concerned Neutrinos and Cosmic Rays. I have been working on atmospheric neutrino oscillations, dark matter and neutrino astronomy in the MACRO experiment at Gran Sasso and I continued to work on Neutrino Astronomy in the ANTARES undersea telescope and in IceCube. I teach at undergraduate and graduate student level. I also participated in the HAWC experiment and now I’m starting activities in CTA.

Domenico della Volpe (Maître d'enseignement et de recherche)
E-mail: Domenico.Della.Volpe@cern.ch

Juan Antonio Aguilar Sánchez (Maître Assistant)
E-mail: Juan.Aguilar@unige.ch
Website: dpnc.unige.ch/~aguilar

Matthieu Heller (Post-doc)
E-mail: matthieu.heller@cern.ch

Enrico Schioppa
E-mail: enrico.junior.schioppa@cern.ch
Alessio Porcelli
E-mail: alessio.porcelli@cern.ch
Sofia Vallecorsa
E-mail: sofia.vallecorsa@cern.ch
Isaac Troyano (Electronic Engineer)
E-mail: isaac.troyano.pujadas@cern.ch

Asen Christov (PhD student)
E-mail: christov@cern.ch

Mohamed Rameez (PhD student)
E-mail: Mohamed.Rameez@unige.ch