Reports and outreach
Community reports
Report of the Topical Group on Physics Beyond the Standard Model at Energy Frontier for Snowmass 2021. Contribution to 2022 Snowmass Summer Study.
CHIPP Roadmap for Research and Infrastructure 2025-2028 and beyond by the Swiss Particle Physics Community.
Editorial board: A. Benelli (secretary), G. Dissertori, R. Durrer, G. Isidori, K. Müller, L. Rivkin, M. Seidel, A. Sfyrla, R. Wallny (Chair), M. Weber. Published on March 2021.
Contributions to outreach articles by members of the team
Studying FIPs with FASER - recent news, EP Newsletter, June 2024 (written by Anna).
Looking forward to new physics with the LHC, Communications de la SSP, 2023 (written by Anna).
First sighting of neutrinos from a collider collision, CHIPP article, 2023.
Can we read the universe's book of secrets?, The Science Breaker article, 2022 (written by Noshin).
FASER - the 'ForwArd Search ExpeRiment' at the CERN particle accelerator, CHIPP article, 2021.
LHC with higher luminosity, CHIPP article, 2018.
Precision with a Broad Benefit, CHIPP article, 2016.
Reports at the Association Suisse des Enseignant-e-s d'Université; 2022 Bulletin: De la transition gymnase - université 🔗
CAMaL - an online mathematics bridging course at the physics section of the University of Geneva; by Thierry Giamarchi, Andreas Müller, Anna Sfyrla.
ATHÉNA - a pre-university study programme for physics and mathematics at the University of Geneva; by Andreas Müller, Camille Bonvin, Anna Sfyrla.
Mercredi à l'Uni dans Le Journal de l'UniGe.